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Posts posted by chainsaw

  1. Found it... Near the oil filter and accessible from underneath the car...

    Easy to change...

    But still have a problem so water pump next.....

    There is a strange electrical noise coming from somewhere when it gets a bit hot...


    how did you go with your Tarago , was it water pump ?

  2. Hi, i have a 97 tarago and im chasing some window weather shields ,does anybody here know where i could pick some up .THANKYOU :)

    They dont have to be new .

  3. Howdy people,

    Alls going well with Tarago.Every now and then we just soak the one way valve doo daa.(sorry thats my technical name for it).

    blow in it let it dry.all goes well..It gets a build up like clear oily substance..

    With our blown head gasket,Tarago just kept spewing out water .The temp showed normal,no milky oil or anything .Mechanic took head to be tested and we found out..

    thanking you.chainsaw

  4. Sorry about not finishing .

    We got rid of the water problem.We only filled up with water for one day to see if it would leak..Never leaked so i bought original Toyota coolant which is actually a red coolant ..Good for 250,000 klm.Haven't had problem yet going well.

    Now the missing,.Took to another mechanic .Done a fuel pressure test.bit high.but OK. He thinks it could be Dash pod.Also we have from now on only use premium unleaded (98%)Bit dearer but better for injectors fuel lines etc.and economy..Will keep posted about outcome..

  5. almost sounded like head gasket again. new radiator and thermostat does not explain the missing and revs dropping though? if eventually car wont start and oil level on dip stick rises past full and resiovoir keeps emptying then its Head crack or corrosion on head or badly torqued head at shop 29pound+90 degrees+90 degrees and new head bolts is a must "$50-"..

    oh and please tell me it was a wrong wording when you say filled with "water" did you mean Green Coolant?

    its very bad for cars to run just water in radiator with modern cars, with time water may corrode the head water ports..With your Thermostat did you match the nob on housing with the little jiggle hole thing on thermostat..

    Yeah mate , sorry wrong wording...meant red coolant ,

  6. having trouble with my 97 Tarago , the rpm drop very quickly when ease off the throttle, sometimes it even stalls........

    then to top it off when i come to complete stop , then go to take off again it misses ...... any suggestions .

  7. Howdy ,

    I bought a 97 Tarago.About 2mnths after, had to replace head gasket.

    recently it ,(only at intersections)the revs started to drop.Nearly to the point of stalling.

    Took it to my mechanic and we took the idler assembly out and cleaned it.Refilled with water but,Now water is spurting from the overflow tank.Water Level drops, We refill it and it does it again.Water temp is perfect,Oil is perfect,It has got me stumped.

    Has anybody please got any suggestions.Muchly appreciated

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