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  • Toyota Model

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  1. nice alis nice, haha looking clean now
  2. yeah white is hard to find =(, LOL yeah only two are interstate =( too far
  3. Hey mate, i believe i replied to your post on firesport and now here lol. Since your a member here, PM me if your keen and we can work something out! But its not white.. RED FTW! dez but me only likey white =(
  4. hey ladies and gents looking for a white corolla sportivo 05 facelift. Let me know what u have for sale, Also if u see any for sale on the web or dealer LET ME KNOW! Much help is appreciaited Cheers will.
  5. THIS CAR IS OFFICIALLY SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all folks =)
  6. http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd452/williamthao/IMG_1205.jpg http://s1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd452/williamthao/?action=view&current=IMG_1204.jpg http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd452/williamthao/IMG_1203.jpg http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd452/williamthao/IMG_1202.jpghttp: http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd452/williamthao/IMG_1201.jpg http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd452/williamthao/IMG_1200.jpg http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd452/williamthao/IMG_1198.jpg http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd452/williamthao/IMG_1197.jpg http://i1220.photobucket.com/albums/dd452/williamthao/IMG_1196.jpg THESE ARE THE PICTURESSS!!!! FML LOL hate these pictures =="
  7. TO the people who are seriously interested in the car, it has arrived today, I have taken pictures of it but i don't know how to upload them here ><"
  8. yeah i could but im not sure if the one on the left hand side is still good to use, i will check wen i get it back =)
  9. i know that this post is old, but is this car still up for sale? i cant pm u =(
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