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Everything posted by crazydrifter

  1. listen man, you came on here, ignored what i said to you 2 or 3 times (e.g. don't start the car)... I then went and posted the full fuel system diagrams and repair information... if you read that it tells you where all the components in the fuel system are and how to remove/replace them. I am sure you can work out from that what to do (e.g flush them out with normal petrol!) Clearly you are not thankful for the advice anyone has tried to give... either take my advice and fix it (if its not too far gone) or piss off. actually, youre one of the few that i thoguht was helpful. many thanks but i couldn't find a professional, i already explained it. i doubt the engine is wrecked anyways, my friend said it just needs hks spark plugs and new fuel tank as the diesel may cause corrosion to the factory one or something. *sigh* i actually feel sorry for you. You will need new plugs at least, go and get some decent ones (BOSCH, NGK, OEM Toyota, etc) you dont need HKS ones (if they even make yaris ones) Diesel is not corrosive, it will not have done any damage to your fuel tank, but you need to drain it.... remove the pump assembly and drain it from there... also clean the filter and pump Remove and drain the injectors, fuel rail, etc. try and drain the lines if you can. Ty for your advice and i know u were trying ot help, actually, you were the ONLY person that helped me Its nice to know there are decent ppl out there, karma will reward you
  2. hmm watever, you guys arent that friendly anyways you can ban me if you want, just proves how "elite" this community is i came here, asking for help... yeh im pretty slow and not mechanically minded, but no need to abuse or ridicule me.
  3. well worst case, if the engine does go, what engine should we get? how do you get the whoshing sound effect i always hear cars have? its like a "vrooom woooshhhhhh" lots of ethnic ppl have it? is it a culture thing?
  4. actually, you know what i would have done? I would have dropped the contents of the fuel tank as soon as possible, got some clean fuel to clean all the fuel system components with and then put it all back together, filling it back up with premium.. well, thts why we're trying to hose it out atm. it would of been handy if someone said it earlier instead of "get a professional" on a brighter note, i got my friend to drive my gf home, i seriosuly dont want to face her parents at the moment. im going to try and see if i can claim this on insurance. she pays quite a lot every yr. its an accident right? thats why you pay insurance
  5. listen man, you came on here, ignored what i said to you 2 or 3 times (e.g. don't start the car)... I then went and posted the full fuel system diagrams and repair information... if you read that it tells you where all the components in the fuel system are and how to remove/replace them. I am sure you can work out from that what to do (e.g flush them out with normal petrol!) Clearly you are not thankful for the advice anyone has tried to give... either take my advice and fix it (if its not too far gone) or piss off. actually, youre one of the few that i thoguht was helpful. many thanks but i couldn't find a professional, i already explained it. i doubt the engine is wrecked anyways, my friend said it just needs hks spark plugs and new fuel tank as the diesel may cause corrosion to the factory one or something.
  6. if you were under the same situation, would you do the same? i think so! anyways, will they check if i said the engine stopped working one day? like would they hand over the check no questions asked? insurance is full party or wateva its called
  7. bwhaha.. perhaps you should google how to syphon. i thoguht all you had to do was stick a hose in and suck and gravity will do the rest?
  8. pfft this forum is full of elitists. only 1 or two of u actually provided help. im trying hard to ignore them even the mod has joined in so thats got to say something?? anyways, will insurance cover for this? insurance is with aami.
  9. got back from bunnings with a hose and cut it to size, but my mate keeps unintentionally drinking the petrol/diesel. he would suck it up and when it lands in his mouth, he half spits and swallows.. but the worst thing is, it doesn't continue to come out?? are we doing something wrong?
  10. FInally someone that can help. first of all, what am i buying? what am i dirtying up? Do you have picture or instructions? mroe info pls
  11. youre not helping, all youre saying is get a professional. I CAN NOT GET A PROFESSIONAL!! I WILL GET IN TROUBLE!! SHE WILL GET IN TROUBLE!! dont u get it? youre all smart, im sure there is a way to fix it. i googled it and they say only spark plug will be affected. can you recommend some? my friend said to get HKS as theyre the best quality. but they sound expensive? if i get the HKS, do they come with the stickers? like the massive ones that goes across the windscreen?
  12. we're off to bunnings to get a garden hose. in this situation, is there any sort of thickness we need to get the petrol out via the hose?
  13. i Loled at this and just ring bloody lube mobile they aren't going to dob what is this primary school. hahahahahahhahhahahahha best thread on TOCAU for ages, anyone would think this is boost cruising yall mate, you across as a prick. we're not all mechanics here. i onyl join up this forum to get help, not being ridiculed.
  14. eyh i know i shouldn't start it but im very desperate. u dunno how angry the gf's dad is.. im invovled no matter what so i hope you can see the desperation. we're currently googling on how to "steal" petrol out of the tank via garden hose and getting my friendf to goto a petrol station and get fresh petrol. my friend said to add octane booster. is that advisable?
  15. I have personally seen an instance where diesel fuel was inadvertantly put into a petrol motor (4 cyl. engine). It started to smoke profusely, then stalled. The diesel fuel was drained from the tank, petrol put in, and after cranking engine for about 1 1/2 minutes, it started and ran fine. Diesel fuel will not ruin your engine. It will foul the plugs, and may cause trouble with modern fuel injection systems, requireing flushing, and purging of the system, but that's about it. I thought so, so just change a few things out and hanky dory? My mate came by with some cables and we decided to jump start the car just to see if its a battery issue. No go there. Currently googling for any other tips. Suggestions welcomed. I mean, if its dead, which i think its not, we got nothing to lose by trying other avenues right?
  16. Mate, you havn't contributed anything useful to the thread, and you say that im lying is a bit too much Anyways, it sounds like ive gone beyond my duty to help my gf, might just call my friend to come help. i still think there is hope, will keep you posted honestly man, I think you are boned... for your sake i hope you aren't... but really i think you need to get a professional involved... especially if its the same friend who told you to 'get a walbro' Yeh same mate. hes into cars and goes to car meets so i assume he knows his stuff.
  17. Mate, you havn't contributed anything useful to the thread, and you say that im lying is a bit too much Anyways, it sounds like ive gone beyond my duty to help my gf, might just call my friend to come help. i still think there is hope, will keep you posted
  18. i went out and tried to start the car again so that my friend on the other line could hear the engine noise. he reckons it requires it oculd be a flat battery. could it be that? theres a bit of oil leak on the driveway now. is it because i poured too much oil before? seriously, i rather play WoW right now... doing my head in
  19. i Loled at this and just ring bloody lube mobile they aren't going to dob what is this primary school. The car is not under her name. They will ask "whose car is this". then they will ask questions and will dob on her. her mum already thinks im a bad influence. i took her home last night @ 11PM and got told off. freaking jewish parents anyways, ppl are saying lines and filter blah blah blah, give me step to step details on how to do it? she mentioned there was 1/4 of petrol left when she poured in diesel. doesnt diesel float to the top or something? OH an idea, can we suck it out with a garden hose? i see it in the movies
  20. im pretty sure putting diesel into a car won't wreck the engine, thats just stupid. im sure theres technology to prevent it from happening. it may be epic, but not epic fail yet my freind
  21. oh so should i get a coat hanger and bend it into the fuel hole thingy to get the filter out? is it a paper type filter? like coffee filter? i think lube mobile should be last resort, im scared the lube mobile guy will dob on us. engine smells really weird, not normal.
  22. north shore area is lube mobile ok? she doesn't care for permanent damages. as long as the car can run and work, its ok. im pretty handy with the screwdriver and stuff so if theres anything that can be fixed by me, im willing to try it. when you say filter? do you mean air filter?
  23. michwheels, i can't get it towed away. her parents will know. sigh i was going to score with her as well but now shes all stressed out and being a fridget anyways, if its just bad fuel, cant i cut a hose and let it come out? don't we live in a technological advanced era where if things like this does happen, a simple fix is available? fml
  24. Called my friend and he said i should buy a Walbro fuel pump and it should pump all the bad fuel out of the car. Where can i get this?
  25. What do i need to replace? Cna i buy it from supercheap autos? I dont have much $$ on me. Can you recommend parts under $100 Doesn't hgave to be toyota brand or whatever.
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