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Posts posted by 69.NIX

  1. Hi,

    My beloved daughter unfortunately ran the Camry into the backend of a fool who took off at the lights and then stomped on the brakes halfway across. Pouring rain, hail and debris on the road and BANG! My daughter is fine but front end of Camry got busted:

    2 bust headligts

    Bonnet Buckled and won't close

    All the grill work busted

    The assembly between the Bumper and radiator buckled (did not get radiator) This includes the apron that the radiator bolts to that holds the hood catch

    A panel beater that I know reckons that a panel beaters will quote some thousands to fix, but if there is a cheaper do it yourself alternative that will not brak the bank? The car is worth $2000 max and I am torn between attempting to repair (I am not to clever) and taking it (still drives ok) down the wreckers... :(

    Any ideas ?

    PS my my daughter is fine (and will get another later model car)

    Sorry to hear that champ.

    If only the radiator is damaged or less, get it fixed. $2000 can't get you from A > B, but a car can :D

    My mate had the same prob with an old '83 honda. get wedged between to cars. front and back damage. they wanted a fix, insurance said, here is 3k now go away. The physical car is worth a whole lots more they they are insured for.

  2. ok ladies and gents, its time for a re-spary

    I've had the ugly purple for toooo long. it has too many scratches, dents and paint blemishes.

    I need some ideas / inspiration for a new colour. I learning towards darker colours (black, dark blue), also making a highlight of the black platic strip down each side would be something i'm looking into

    If anyone knows where you can good samples from in sydeny. pm me please

    ideas, fire away! keep it serious please

  3. I'm using platinum sparks at the moment, done 120,000 km. still going pretty good (do need a change tho)

    if your a bit like me and find taking the plenum a drag, get platinums / iridiums and personally i'd DIY it. its always good to learn about this kind stuff, just incase.

  4. to my knowledge, the stackers that came in the GEN3 cam's are made by pioneer or fujistu ten (spelling).

    personally, I would do away with any CD / MP3 changer, just get a good quality MP3 headdeck, nice speakers, sub (if needed)

    I not sure if you can get a converter from Toyota OEM to JVC plug for your stacker, but hey, there is always ebay :)

  5. i used craft glue in a wavey line patten. each line of glue was about 5-7cm apart for a good solid grip.

    FYI: I used black suede (spelling) fabric on the roof and it looks smick.

    more FYI: if your going to take the roof out, pass it out via the front passanger and fold the front seats flat as possible. There maybe the need for some creative bending of the roof to get it out, JUST DONT SNAP IT!

    otherwise, have fun

    PS: if your in SYD, I can help as i've done it before

  6. if it looks to worn out, dont get it. it will only give you trouble.

    there is bound to be a better find elsewhere

    in regrads to all the power options, i'd be concerned. more options, more things to go wrong. that said, I do like when they all work :D

    regrading interiors, the leather is ok if it has been looked after very well. i have a mate with a GEN4 1MZ Grade, and the leather is a bit iffy in places. also remember that GEN3's can suffer from saggy roof lining after a while and can cost a bit to get fixed (or just diy it like me) :ph34r:

  7. my little thing with OD

    if i'm pottering round town or in heavy traffic (stop/start) i drive with the OD off. I have noticed the car will reposed a bit quicker on teh gear changes if you need to give it the beans (like fast lane changes)

    once i'm crusing along at a constant speed (freeway / open road) flick the OD on, so the gear box and motor relax and save some fuel. remember OD has no power behind it, so the gearbox will kick down if you give it a boot full.

    Also, for those that are lucky and not have OD but have a auto, try this on for size. Family member of mine drives cabs in SA. everytime he comes to a stop, he knocks the auto into "N". I asked why, he explained that the auto clutch is still engaged and slowly burns the auto clutch therefore wearing the box out.

    Just be carefull not to knock it into gear and then gun it. Wait for the box to engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my 2 cents

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