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Posts posted by gengo

  1. how bout go fuk urselfs , the evidence is there but they wont show or tell us why in the so called independent commision , which by the way was headed by bushs bum chum ,so untill i see what really hit the pentagon and find out why the so called terrorists that were flying these planes are still alive and are told who really was flying the planes is out there for all to know i'll know it was a set up and you racist scumbags can hide behind your screen but if i find you at a meet we can argue bout it then see how big your nutsack is then

  2. some fool said that only people who dont believe the war on iraq is justified make up these conspiracy theories,but i know its you fukin pieces of **** that have racism flowing through your spineless bodies that are so one track minded, even if you were given evidence ie footage of pentagon impact not just flashes of it ,you would still deny it thats how stubborn you racists and bush supporters are .If you cant see that this was to give bush the go ahead on the war on oil then your in a coma

  3. 9 11 was a stategic move that was and has been used by the germans before and was similar to pearl harbour ,ive seen docus that claim pearl harbour was also this kind of stategic move,make the citizens angry then go to war

  4. you cant compare the type r with our sportivos ,it has 7 more kws and touch more torque but its chassis ,suspension, running gear is totally different and it has much more acceleration then you think 7 kws would give ,plus its lighter.This car is prolly the hottest hatch and being na makes it even better coz it sticks with the wrx,mps etc on any track anyday if not fatser lap times

  5. can u beleive google bought out youtube for 1.6 billion dollars!

    hows that for an idea to make u money - set up site+get ppl to add funny clips=mulltimillon profit with minumum work

    thats awesome hey,wish i had the determination to do this sh it

  6. you should be able to replace them but if you want some good advice buy a pair of two way or three ways like pioneer ,same price and sound better.Ive got all my stock speakers changed with pioneers and a 12 inch sub with only the sub running off an amp and it sounds crystal clear and loud.You can get good 6 and a half inchers for about 50 buks

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