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Posts posted by DJKORETTE

  1. I am studying though. Was just a bit of a rant

    High school ≠ study!

    Yeeeaah, high school doesn't equate to studying dude.

    School is something everyone has to go through, I'm talking about actually studying in a particular subject related to a chosen career path. At least I'm doing something for my future instead of whinging about stupid things which you could easily change if you wanted to.

    When you have a big person's job that sucks balls, THEN you can whinge about it.

  2. Well as a casual, that's what woolworths does, also, you tell them you want to work a certain day and then they roster you on a completely different day. Im so over it. /end rant

    Waaah. Man the eff up.

    :lol: dammmmnnnnnnn.... remind me to never have a rant to you!! :lol:

    Well look, I used to work at Big W and it was just as sucky and I hated it. But you know what? I quit and started studying instead of having a whinge on a forum.

    If the rant has solid reasoning behind it than I'm more than happy to listen.

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