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Everything posted by Novashine

  1. Hehe, im in sydney ATM. But meh, dont think ill have too much fun in the family car, it's an auto after all. But i used to drive an old 2000 model Hyundai Accent (did my Ls and Ps in that) and compared to that sh*tbox, the corolla is king :D
  2. Too true Kelvin... Mate, welcome to the forums.... if you have lift, you will enjoy it..... But as Kelvin (my favourite LED solderer) said, we are all still rollas... Hehe, thanks for the big welcome guys. Unfortunately, my rolla's not a Sportivo, nor is it anything fancy :( Just a lowly auto Ascent for the family car. But the convos here are pretty interesting to me and eventually one day ill get my own car and perhaps it will be a rolla sportivo :D Anyway, carry on :D
  3. I've recently bought a new corolla so i came over here to ask a question. I'm pretty new to this whole thing and im pretty confused. I've been lurking around here ever since i made my first post and i see the same word popping up time and time again. You guys always talk about being "in Lift", from what i gather, it's a state of being of the car, related somehow to shifting gears? I googled everywhere and i cant find the answer. So, what is Lift?
  4. Hmmm, my parents are using like 3 layers of carpet in the driver's seat. originals my mum cant bear to dirty old mats from our totaled Hyundai Accent Rubber mats my dad bought. I'm running a stock Rolla Ascent auto and with OD off, even with the pedal all the way down, i still cant get the engine to rev above 3000rpm The mats make that much difference?
  5. hehe, thanks, but the question that's been bouncing around in my head is that ive heard conflicting reports. they say if i drive it hard, the engine will get thrashed very easily permanently whilst ive heard again that if i baby the engine, it will drive like a granny car for the rest of it's life. So which one's true? Also, is it worth changing the oil at the 1500k service? and if so, do i go for the nice synthetic stuff, or just some plain mineral oil?
  6. So, i grabbed myself a new 06' Corolla, a base Ascent Model. Auto transmission. To make myself clear at the start, this car is going to be just a family car. Not gonna be thrown on any dyno, any racetrack. Just used to get from point A to B as cheaply as possible. Anyway, prior to buying this car, we drove another Corolla, a 05' Ascent with 15,000ks on the clock hired from No Birds, also an auto and comparing the performance we percieved from both cars, the hired car was very noticeably more powerful. I know the engine in the Hired car has a couple more kW, but i didnt think the difference would be that big. Oh, and the manufacture date on my new car would be June 06, so it would be a new 1ZZFE engine with 93kW at 6krpm. It's also doing 9.5l/100k for mixed motorway/city driving, which kind of sucks given that everyone who drives this car dosnt have a heavy foot and that the spec is 7.5l/100k. Is this normal for a new engine too? Also, the car is at 1,400km so the 1,500km service is comming up too, do i need to buy anything for that? Maybe engine oil, oil filters, coolant, etc? Also, is there anything else i need to know about a new 'Rolla? Do i drive it hard or baby it for it's first few steps? Any advice would be appreciated
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