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Everything posted by l32

  1. That is pretty awesome deal considering what you get in that package!
  2. which part of vic you from I'm based on northern part of Melbourne, but tends to stick around the CBD
  3. Hi EMZ51, thanks for the info, did you have to source the TRD parts yourself? I take it that $400 is installation only. Also I just realised that you are in Queensland so it's a bit far to get to that mechanic as I'm in Victoria :P Anyone know a good shop in Victoria?
  4. Hi EMZ51, where did you get it installed if you don't mind sharing? I don't believe the official Toyota garage handles jobs like this? Or do they?
  5. Does anyone know a good and preferably affordable way to reduce the body roll on turning? I'm driving Corolla Sedan Sport 2011 and it seems even normal turn on a corner has so much body roll. I can especially feel it if I'm in a passenger seat. Has anyone on this forum applied modifications like this? If so where did you do it and where do you source the parts? I'm not a mechanic so installing after market equipment myself is not the best option for me. Thanks all.
  6. Hi All, I'm wondering if I can learn from those more experienced here. I owned a Corolla accent sport sedan 2011 and the car kept swaying left and right while driving at 100kph. Now the swaying isn't really that bad but I have to keep adjusting the wheels even if it's a dead straight line. I have aligned the wheels a couple times with Toyota service center and yet it still happens (bit better after alignment, then getting unstable soon after). Does anyone have the same issue with me? If yes what sort of things that you do or modify to improve the stability of the ride? Thanks in advanced.
  7. hmm has anyone tried http://www.touchupguys.com.au/ yet?
  8. Hi, Can anyone recommend a good touch up shop to fix some of the scratches on my car? I'm based on Melbourne, VIC. Yes I can search in google or yellowpages but I'd like to hear from you all if you have some personal recommendations. Basically it's a scratch about 10cm and 1-2 cm wide. I don't know what caused it, could be debris from the road... No dents, but the paint is scratched white. If someone have an idea of the price ranges it'll be great too. Thanks all
  9. Ah yeah... my bad good thing we saw that! I guess I'll poke around ebay some more and probably go with the one that you guys get :D NOTE the $49 postage to Aus I bought http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/130530893193?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 (same as DJKOR but 6000k) $36.99 inc postage to my door yay
  10. Has anyone tried xentec hid ? It seems there are a lot of them on ebay.
  11. Alright, that settles it then, I'll look around on ebay for parts :D since it seems not many people mind about the brands, etc.
  12. Yeah I'm looking for a good combination between price and quality, I don't want my headlights failing me in the middle of night driving :) So I suppose most would go for ebay and try them on?
  13. Hi All, I'm quite a newbie with car mods and I want to change my headlight into xenon lightbulbs, just for the low beam. My car model is corolla 2011 ascent. What HID conversion kit brand do you guys recommend and where to get them? I've already search for some in ebay, etc but would appreciate any brand / price recommendations. Thanks in advance!
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