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Posts posted by Morechilli

  1. Thank you!

    I ended up calling the dealership it was bought from. I was hesitant because it's still in my sisters name and wasn't sure if they would give me any info.

    But he gave me the default number they set it to.

    And tadaa! All fixed :)

    It was an old issue and she just never fixed the radio. So she was driving silent for like 3 months haha.

  2. I've just bought my sisters '04 echo (she bought new)

    And she had some issue with the battery and now the radio displays SEC ive figured out how to do it. But I don't have the pin.

    I found online that you use the last 4 digits of the vin. But there's only 3 numbers to enter. So don't think that will work!

    I really don't want to pay to do something I can do myself.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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