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Posts posted by Mikey

  1. when i go back to work on.....next monday, i shall check it out, and see if theres money in it for a discount for my fellow melb peeps!

    i work at jb if that didnt make sense lol :P

    hey mate. any news?

    my bad :( i got lazy hopefully i remember on friday

    no worries champ.

    i did a quick search and it seems that model the op showed us isnt avail in aus.

    i dun suppose there is anything else around the same price range 1-1.5k that is double din and gps too?

  2. Spotted that turbocharged black stivo speeding like a mf down princes hwy again at 3am last sat night. I'd really like to know who it is or if anyone knows him... or her.

    Turbo Charged!?? :help:

    Yeah man. Really unknown car this one. I've seen it once before on the same road about the same time half a year ago. You can hear the turbo spool from a mile away. Kept up with an STI I was in not long ago.

    so it is tru... friend was telling me about one he saw that was turbo'd. thot he was ****tin me.

  3. Danz put speakers in the back like that but only very small ones for SQ.

    Seriously I've seen this about 5 times before, members make a post just like yours, then two weeks down the track they just end up putting the speakers in the rear doors and be done with it. Easy option and OEM appearance, simple and neat.

    what size speakers fit the back doors? and the front for that matter? 6" or 4" ?

    5 and a quarter inch are standard. can fit bigger size tho.

  4. hey lads,

    does anybody knows when vvt-i kicks in??

    4000-4500 rpm??

    i neva payd attention to it.

    oh btw Merry christmas everybody and have a great holiday!!!

    vvti is constant so there is no kicking in of vvti. it pretty much starts from 1rpm me thinks.

  5. Check out the New typeR civic vs the previous model Type R Civic (which we didnt get ) on TopGear driven by Jeremy Clarkson , its available on Youtude if you wanna find the extended review and drive other wise the topgear webpage has the clip available too...

    Seems dissapointing drive compared to the previous TypeR (independant rear suspension, they note is the biggest problem of new model, being that it lacks having it. plus its heavier and bigger, and has ONE extra kilowatt).

    Clarkson mentions the ride is unbearable in real world situatons too, way to harsh,,,,, i recommended looking for it its good viewing!

    ..Ive seen second hand ones of the previous shape beinng imprted as grey imports into Australia too now.

    ive driven one of my workmates new type r. its a better everyday driver than the dc2r and dc5r.

    just the performance side of things isnt as good

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