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Everything posted by triskillion

  1. Hey guyz, im confused about spoon engines or spooning up an engine... you hear it on fast & the furious about the 3 honda civic running spoon engines and ive heard here and there about spooning up an engine... can someone help me?
  2. do jetspeed or carmate have a website?? or u got any pics to show us your kit?
  3. ahhhh well thats alright then... coz drive it hard is what i love... i drag anything 4cycl in this baby and they dont stand a chance!!!
  4. so u think ive drivin a little to hard for a new car?
  5. yeah it when for a service at toyota at 1000K's and will go for one at 5000k'z, why does the oil need to be changed to frequently during the first few thousand K's but later on just needs to be toped up?
  6. yeah ill check out the site! also another question... ive only done 4000Km in the 04 and when idleing it doesnt have the smooth tone to the engine anymore, i dont exactally thrash it... just a wheel spin or two every now and then and gettin it to 4k rev's when changing gears... is this none smooth tone really bad? or a service and it will be fixed?
  7. yeah i was thinking of getting an exhaust first thing for my 04 corolla, any suggestions? i want that deep drone but not loose any hp!
  8. thanks guyz, thats meant to be around 135hp! not bad for a lil car!
  9. that price for a kit is a little out of my leauge, what about some kits i see that go for $600 a peice?
  10. Hi again everyone, I was wondering how much Kw or Hp the 2004 corolla ascent has? Mines stock at the moment, might end up working the engine!
  11. im from geelong, victoria. i like the look of this link someone posted http://modellista.mediagalaxy.ne.jp/parts/...alla/index.html Just wondering where would i find these kits etc. from toyota?
  12. Hello everyone, I would like to know what mods can you do for the body on a 2004 model corolla? for example, front spoiler, skirts, rear spoiler? thank you
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