Yea you can feel free to tell us anything you want about yourselves, would be interesting to know about careers and anything else? Maybe how you became to have a interest in cars? Thanks for all the replies too, nice spread of all different age groups too keep on posting people :) Ok so my career/job currently is and you probably havent heard of too many people doing this... I feed the Koalas at Dreamworld, we grow the eucalyptus, cut a load each day then go back and feed em, not a bad job has its pros and cons like any other. Would love to be a car detailer or something along those lines one day. I cant even remember how I became to love cars, Iv just had a strong interest in them ever since I was a small boy, neither my dad or my uncles had anything to do with cars so Im not sure. But Im pretty sure if you cut me open Id prob run like a car inside haha thats all my brain ever thinks about :)