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Everything posted by gtr161

  1. Hi all.. yep.. serious subject.. but the reality is its just an excuse I need to use to justify a fridge purchase.. haha.. The waeco cfx 35 fits, but the volume doesn't stack up.50lts minimum. I'll be running it 24/7, dual batts fitted with a dv/dc charger. Most days I'm in the car for a couple of hrs so charging isn't an issue. I was really seeing if there was an alternative manufacturer that others have used successfully. . Perhaps a Primus?? Someone else?
  2. Hi all, long time reader.. i have a drinking problem.. my kids keep pinching my beer from the fridge, so I'd like to install a portable fridge in the Hilux, I have a 2011 SR5 which has a hard lid fitted. My other problem is that I'd like a 50 lt fridge minimum, but the waeco 50 lt fridge sits too tall and fouls on the hard lid. So.. can anyone recommend a lower profile fridge? I do plan to fit a canopy buy can't really afford it right now. Once I stop the kids from stealing my beer, then hopefully the canopy won't be too far off. Cheers
  3. Right, so - it IS a bit of a beat up here in AU, regular services and inspections will go a long way.. thanks for the replies, I certainly wont discount the Hilux now. As for the Amarok, not too sure... but leaning toward the Toyota.. cheers T
  4. Thanks T_Money... the engine seizure problem apparently happens over time, despite oil changes. Leaking injector seals allow compresion blowby to mix with the leaked fuel vapour, the net result is crystalline structures forming on the oil pickup, thereby restricting the supply to the engine. It's a slow process that results in expensive rebuilds. What has me absolutely flabbergasted is that Toyota recognise the issue, and have sent out recalls for the UK and NZ (not sure about the USA), but not for Aust. Bit weird to me. What I wasn't sure about is whether Toyota have addressed the issue in later models. Check this You Tube link.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCifyh9Npf4 I have driven an Amarok and yes, I like the machine. The auto is out in August but it still seems quite an expensive commercial... will wait and see how sharp their pencil is. Cheers, Tom
  5. Cheers guys, forgot to mention I used to own an LC GTR Torana and MK1 Cooper S... both restored.... the WRX has nothing on those classics!
  6. Hi All, I'm now in the market for a second hand/new Hilux, turbo diesel, and have done extensive research over the whole range of commercial vehicles available. The Toyota (Hilux/Prado/Cruisers) certainly shine above the others in most areas, however I have heard and read about leaking injectors (I mean leaking internally) into the engine oil, forming crystalline structures over the oil pick-up over time. The net result can be a seized engine! Obviously this is not a desirable situation, so, my question is: Is this a real issue or a web based beat up? If it is real, then was the issue rectified in later models? I have read that Toyota have issued a recall for this issue in NZ and the UK, but not Aust. Can someone add some clarification to this? I have heard of expensive bills to fix this, replacing injectors and seal etc... $3K+ My preference is to pick up a 2010model diesel Hilux however if this issue persists, then a 2011 might be on the cards. Great forum by the way.. lots of helpful stuff here. Cheers, Tom
  7. Hi All, New member from South Aust, I currently drive a WRX but looking into a Hilux as I live in a rural area and need the load carrying aspect... looking forward to reading and posting.. Cheers, Tom
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