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Posts posted by Luha

  1. So played with some fuses and the cords and turns out that the once you pull out the head unit before unplugging it... The left side speaker plug is seems to be the issue. As soon as its unplugged the front speakers work. The back speakers crackle still so assume the plug itself is the issue. Any tips on fixing it?

  2. Hi all,

    I have a 2001 Avalon and the stereo just stopped working suddenly on trip. Previous random crackling in the speakers but no other issues noted.

    Have pulled out the stereo and all connections were in and look fine. Wanting some other suggestions? Which fuses or relays may need checking or something else to try? Getting frustrated..!

  3. Just wondering if anyone has actually bought or at least tested the new corolla and what your thoughts are...?

    I was fairly impressed with it but then again all the same complaints.. could be a 2.0L and more effort could go into the interior design.

    Any thoughts on how it weighs up on comparisons as well... for example the lancer currently includes a lot more features for a lower price etc... I need to buy a new car and want to keep it around this size so have been comparing everything in the market. Even the fun stuff way out of mine and most peoples price range :P

  4. Hey - sorry to be a pain but if anyone happens to have photos it would be appreciated!!

    I am still borrowing an '01 avalon and the radio in it just stopped one day. The speakers we sounding crackly and then it just kept cutting out and eventually stopped entirely. The speakers were still working fine when it wasnt playing up and the head unit still works (turning on, playing tapes, radio and CDs but without the sound). Sounded a bit like a lose connection and I want to check it out but just want to make sure I am doing it right - it isnt my car to break any of the plastics (if I can help it haha)! :whistling:

    Thanks all

  5. Hi all,

    I am currently renting a brand new hire car Camry hybrid H (2012) and the doors are set to lock once a certain speed is reached although the doors don't unlock in park or when the car is turned off... It's driving me absolutely crazy!!!!!! How do I reset this so it unlocks all doors when shifted to park?? I looked in the manual but it didn't have the instructions but rather noted it was an option. I tried some online instructions but none worked.


  6. I'm pretty sure 'collapasible steering wheel' refers to the steering column, because of the up/down adjustment the column has join in it a bit like a uni-joint on a two-piece tailshaft and it's designed to collapse under front impact rather than spear the wheel into to driver/cab, saftely thing I think. That's what I heard.

    well thats what I had previously been told and thought, so in that case it didn't collapse it just fell to the floor. Made it harder to get out of the car.

  7. Hi All

    Was previously around here under another user (mzMinty?) name but for personal reasons I had to remove all internet accounts and am back around again...

    I had a 12/09 ZR aurion in white, fully optioned - loved it!

    Anyhow, boyfriend had cleaned it with his mate and they were headed just outside of the city quickly and coming back in to vacuum it. Turns out a pod of kangaroos had another thing in mind. Coming around the last corner at about 100kms the roo's jumped in front of them and although he didnt swerve much it was evidently enough to hit the mud on the side of the road. Had been raining for about 3 days rather heavy and the car slid out of control, nose first into a spoon drain (and apparently from an onlooker although the boys don't remember it) the car was air born out of the drain and come to rest about 20 metres up the road in a cluster of tree's.

    Damage doesn't look all that bad although it had apparently twisted and was recorded as repairable write off.

    I know people say you shouldn't swerve but instincts kick in and it happens. Not here to analyse driving skills. It may not have been so bad if it didnt happen on a corner either or if it had rained earlier. There was about 2inches of thick mud so there wasnt much hope of controlling it. At the end of the day it was insured and both boys walked away with nothing more then some decent whiplash!

    Can anyone tell me if that is what is meant by 'collapsible' steering wheel? Someone told me that it shouldn’t have done that but another said that it should?

    Pics attached.

    Just thought I would share with a few people who also have the soft spot for the aurion!

    Not sure if I will be getting another face lift or look at the new mod... havent yet warmed up to it just yet!





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