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Posts posted by davo461

  1. So far , I have been unable to locate a towbar for my 2002 Estima.

    Being located out in the 'sticks' and not getting into Melbourne, I having been checking Gumtree and Evilbay; without success.

    I believe a Tarago one will fit but, I haven't seen one those, either.

    I phoned the importer, on advice, no dice.

    Any suggestions ?


  2. Greetings all fellow 'Steamers,

    Can anyone suggest a driving light setup for my 2002 Estima?

    I live in an area which is littered with the carcases of ex wombats and post kangaroos which make night driving a clear and present danger to my full body kit.

    The original lights are totally inadequate, in the standard form but, the fitting of additional driving lights seems to be a bit awkward.The full body kit presents some difficulty, it seems to me.

    Any suggestions will be appreciated.

    Also, is it practical/feasible to remove the rear seats, on a temporary basis. I admit that I have not had a 'in depth' investigation; just thought I would throw this question into the mix.

    I really love driving this beauty but, the thought of a heavy duty, animal type smack in the face, fills me with dread.

    I anxiously await the coming of wisdom.

    Cheers David Graham.


  3. Hi ! Alister.

    Thank you for your diligence.

    I looked at the photo of the Aussie one and it appeared that the breakout slot for the passenger side airbag was covered by the mat.

    I shall attempt to find some pictures of the Previa/Estima ones in UK and maybe order one from there.

    As an aside; I was advised, yesterday, that Armorall (?) is not the first choice for modern plastic dashboards,

    It is a sad day when you don't learn something new?


  4. Hi! All, can anyone tell me where to source a dashboard cover for my 2002 Estima?

    The Tarago one is different, according to my helpful friend at Auto Barn.

    If all else fails, I shall be forced to make one out of carpet and double-sided tape, bearing in mind the presence of the airbag.

    Nothing is impossible!

    Cheers, Davo.

  5. Thank you for your input, Robert. it seems tha a sensor at the bottom of the radiator, or somewhere near, had gone out.That problem has been sorted, along with some other stuff.

    I have a 20Mhz. FM Expander for the ICE but will have to check out more Oz friendly ICE units, a fair way down the track.

    Cheers, Davo

  6. If you are lucky, it will just be a gasket replacement.

    If you are less lucky, it will be the above, and drilling/Heli coiling the block; expensive!

    If you are really unlucky, it may be a complete engine exchange; very expensive.

    I was, fortunately,one of the less lucky, it only cost about 2Grand; worth it, though.

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