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Where's Wally

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Everything posted by Where's Wally

  1. The whole problem with this thread is that people are not clear on how they are measuring the usage compared to kilometres covered. The rav4 only has a 60 litre fuel tank, so what can appear as high fuel usage can actually be just because the the fuel capacity is a lot less than other vehicles. Someone here posts that there toyota kluger gets better mileage than the rav4, this is expected with the 72 litre tank in the kluger. Secondly, how do people here measure usage? If by measuring usage, you mean that you record the km driven until the fuel light comes on, then it is not an appropriate way to monitor fuel usage. This is because, firstly, when the light comes on, you still have 15 litres in the tank. So therefore, there is approximately 45 litres that has been used. This means, that if you are getting 350 km per tank, then this is equal to about 12 litres per 100km which is much better than most 6cylinders on the market. If you are getting 500 km to this tank, then you are getting closer to about 8 litres per 100 km per tank, which very good mileage. Thirdly, the fuel light can come on prematurely, on hills and is not a good indicator of fuel usage. This is the way I monitor my fuel usage. Fill your tank to the max. Start your odometer clock. Then, next time you fill up (car doesnt need to be empty), record how much fuel you put into the car to get it to max (this is the amount of fuel used). Use this figure in your fuel calculations. I use a fuel app on my Samsung phone, I'm sure there are others for iPhones too. Allows me to record all my fuel usage.
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