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  • Toyota Model
    2003 Corolla Conquest

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  • Location
    Sydney, NSW

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  1. no need to change timing belt? ZZE Corollas have a timing chain, not a belt, and this doesn't need to be changed sweet, thanks for the heads up
  2. Just been thru the servicing threads and couldn't find one for a 100k service. Any ideas on what it should cost for this service, because i think i should start saving btw i have a 2003 corolla conquest auto hatch thanks
  3. pm me when you're ready to order
  4. he could be charged for using excessive force if someone breaks into your home and you bash him you can be charged
  5. no worries, im still in just need one more person...
  6. wait, so these arent trd covers?
  7. guys im in for a pair of the blacks p.s. are these genuine because there's no mention of it
  8. not bad, nice and neat this is my custom box
  9. sweet, will do but if i cant find it, it wont have any major detrimental effects will it?
  10. Hello All, Yesterday I was driving home and went over a plastic bag which was on the road, I didnt see it come out the back end so Im assuming its somewhere underneath my car. When I got home I did a check around all 4 wheels, the engine bay and a check underneath (without raising it) and couldnt see the offending bag. This morning I started my car and let it warm up as usual and I could smell melthing/burning plastic but still no sign of the bag any ideas as to where it might be caught inside the car? thanks guys
  11. my neighbours had their stock corolla system stolen last night, my question is "why on earth would anyone want a stock corolla system"? its probably worth less then $100 for the WHOLE system including speakers
  12. anyone know the song playing at the start? (ive been meaning to download it after listening to it on GTA san andreas) cheers
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