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Posts posted by BenK

  1. Sorry if in the wrong forum (its kind of a little tarago right?)

    So i've bought a 2008 avensis ultima

    it has an electronic boot release button, so i assume it has an actuator in their

    does anyone know if i can upgrade it to a remote control boot release?

    and b) have auto lift struts?

  2. I double sided taped the transmitter to the top left of the boot lid (when inside van facing the rear)

    the receiver is just inside the dash cavity, with antenna facing out

    the hardest bit was hooking up the reverse light from stereo->gear shift light

    the number plate light i havent changed yet, although i changed all the interior dome lights with them, i just cant be bothered taking off the rear trim again.

    I got these ones: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/310527393231?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649

    they are wedge type and will fit all the domes, door lights and number plate lights, the boot light uses a festoon globe though, doh

  3. actually reception is lookng good, things are going well, few hiccups here and there, but not sure if it was just me or the camera.

    will report back if I notice anything.

    here are the photos of the camera installed

    I think i'll buy one of these to replace the other number plate globe


    actually that one looks too tall

    these are shorter 3cm the bulb i pulled out is only 2cm though so not sure they will fit







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  4. Hi BenK

    I had seen one of these wireless units a while ago on EBay but wondered how good they were. Interested to know if the signal suffers any 'static' noise or how well it transmits from the rear to the front of the vehicle.

    I have been considering one of these camera's (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/260956281761;jsessionid=1A706646C9319D188685DD8F49FFE269?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D260956281761%26_rdc%3D1) but am unsure it will fit in place of the number plate light. The advert states 2006 + Taragos but it looks like it would fit. Rather like the idea of the built in guide lines.

    Paul: I bought one of those license mount cameras last week ( http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/150969868511?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_7687wt_1163 )

    I'll let you know how it works out, i was testing with the camera i got with my head unit, which does a pretty good job, but much harder to find somewhere to mount.

    Yay fully installed the camera last night (finished at 1am so no photos yet, the wifes taken the van all morning)

    so good news, the camera fits the license hole mount, in the 2002 tarago fine. I used some double sided foam tape to pad it out a bt and adjust the angle.

    I had to remove the rear trim to be able to move the old light. (and of course wire it all up).

    I put on camera on the left at first then realised it had to be on the right due to the light location

    I now need a led for the other light as the number plate is half yellow half white

    I chickened out of splicing to many of the factory wires, i found looms where i could stick my wires into the back of the looms then electric tape it up. workd for the moment i'll see how it goes

    I foam taped the transmitter/reciever once i put the door trim on reception got a bit worse, but it does the job, reception was much better before it was installed.

    As for my boot lid lights.. had a massive DERRRR moment last night, the lights in the boot lid are for reverse only, there are no brake lights in the boot lid only reflectors.

    hope this helps let me know if you want photos!

  5. Hi BenK

    I had seen one of these wireless units a while ago on EBay but wondered how good they were. Interested to know if the signal suffers any 'static' noise or how well it transmits from the rear to the front of the vehicle.

    I have been considering one of these camera's (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/260956281761;jsessionid=1A706646C9319D188685DD8F49FFE269?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D260956281761%26_rdc%3D1) but am unsure it will fit in place of the number plate light. The advert states 2006 + Taragos but it looks like it would fit. Rather like the idea of the built in guide lines.

    Paul: I bought one of those license mount cameras last week ( http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/150969868511?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_7687wt_1163 )

    I'll let you know how it works out, i was testing with the camera i got with my head unit, whichi does a pretty good job, but much harder to find somewhere to mount.

    ....now just to find out how to run the wires to the back, i'm thinking i have to remove the roof trim?

    You can run a cable under of the bottom edge of the door step trims and then inside the rear trim panel.

    and not having much luck finding an aftermarket remote control,


    This company may be able to help. Pull the remote apart and read the number off the transmitter module and send them an email. I assume your remote is separate to keys.


    Thanks Rob $60 for the part sounds good

    my part number is 60030 so looks like 304mhz

  6. Never figured out the wiring,

    So I bought this wireless transmitter (except i got it from buyincoins.com for $11), and gonna give that a try,

    I've tested the wirless a little with the camera i had and it looks like it will do the job, but i buying another camera that fits in the number plate light hole for easier mounting.

    I'll post the results here, if the wireless turns out really crap in regular use, i'll just figure out how to run the wire again


  7. Hi peoples,

    Just got a 2002 ACR30R tarago gli, its a bit worn but ok.

    I'm trying to fix up a few things with it and have a few questons i'm hoping i can get help with!

    1) I only got one key (removable remote moduleinside head), I want to get another key/remote, I can get a second hand one, is there a programming sequence for these cars? There was one to program my Avalon for the chipped key and a different sequence for the remote.

    2) The passenger side sliding door outside handle needs a good yank to open, any ideas how to fix this? do i need to rp the whole side trim off to get at it?

    3) I bought a reverse camera for my wife to get used to reversing this thing, and i need to run the av cable to the dash, do i run it through the roof? if so how? if not where else can i run it?

    4) the brake lights on the boot lid don't work, i changed all the bulbs, but it doesnt look like they are getting the 12v, is this a known issue? wheres the first place i check?

    Thanks in advance!


    **edit change transponder to remote**

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