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Everything posted by Rau

  1. I experience this 'pull-left' issue. Seems to me the pull-left is mostly in response to the road camber - meaning, if you find a dead flat stretch of road, the car will run pretty straight if you let go of the steering. But on "ordinary" roads, and I'm just talking about travelling at low speed around residential streets, it pulls left, and you need a constant force applied to the steering wheel to stay straight. I'm surprised no one has suggested that there might event be a slight safety issue with this. My previous vehicle was a Toyota Vienta Grande - and by comparison, I find the Aurion steering to feel quite a bit heavier (more effort required). The Vienta did not pull to the left. Can anyone tell me -- is the factory setup of the wheel-alignment meant to be set so as to counter the road camber, or does it assume a dead flat road surface? [if it's the former, then cars for driving on the left will be set different to those driving on the right side of road.]
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