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Everything posted by Kit3rid3r

  1. I only had the plugs replaced, not the leads. The smell is coming from the exhaust pipe and i can smell it a little in the engine bay.
  2. Hello internet, I have a 96/97 vienta wagon with 280,000k's, I dont usually have any issues with this car, until now. After starting it up on friday i drove about 5 mins down the road and noticed that i was at a loss for power and it felt as though the car was missing or stalling a little. I really noticed this when i went up a hill. I drove it back to my local mechanic and left it with him allthough i noticed that i could smell petrol coming from the tailpipe and even under the bonnet a little, I mentioned this. I have gone back into his shop this morning and he is telling me that at first glance he thinks it is the leads and plugs. Now i know i have had the plugs replaced during the last service because he was complaining to me about how he had to take the intake plenum off in turn costing me more $$ for replacement gaskets and time, he said tit was the only way. Is this a problem anyone else has experienced, I mean i dont just want him to start throwing new parts at the car and me having to pay for it if this is potentially something someone has experienced previous. Thanks for your input.
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