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Everything posted by VK6YBA

  1. Where can I find the speed sensor wiring in my 2004 3 L diesel Prado? It has factory cruise so the wires are there somewhere. I have a home made/desgned distance measuring device [accurate to 10 metres/Km I want to fit my to Prado. It has been on several different vehicles [all with electronic speedo] and I have been able to find a signal in them all. Only one vehicle I could not find a signal so I mounted a steel "flag" under a prop shaft bolt and used an inductive proximity sensor as a signal source. I would prefer to not start down that road unless I have to. [getting too old!] Any body that wants info on how I designed/constructed this device let me know and will provide details. It has 2 displays, one reads out in 100Km max with 100m resolution and the other reads out 10Km max with 10m resolution. THe 10Km display can count up or down. It does not have a microprocessor and requires no programming. Owen VK6YBA
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