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Everything posted by scottywiper

  1. Guys, My air con unit in the 100 series died suddenly, after having some dash light fuse issues. Got one Toyota dealer to diagnose it at great cost...and they said it was the air con control unit on the dash that needed replacing. Got a replacement unit and got an auto electrician to install it today...but it didn't work, he says its not the problem and that the issue is water getting into the electrics....he said several fuses kept blowing He thinks it is the ECU causing all the problem, because of the water. His theory was rust around the windscreen letting water in, so he said to replace windscreen and get it properly sealed before tackling the electrical issue. Then spoke to a mate who does windscreens and he said it was a common problem for 100 series, as they have to remove rivets (?) to replace windscreens and that leaves the hole the water gets in. He closes hole with silastic but said not all windscreen people do that. I had windscreen replaced two years ago. He said the only way to tell is when he pulls the current windscreen out, said it would be obvious if it was the issue. Then poke to a friend in service at a different Toyota place, and he is not sure if it is the ECU, as he was surprised the car would start. He wants me to get it to him to get it checked again, but it is a five-hour drive away. All totally confusing. Anyone had any similar experiences and able to shed any light on a way forward? Cheers, Scotty
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