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Posts posted by Blk_T-sport

  1. Hi Guys,

    This is an old topic but thought it may need a refresh for anyone thinking of replacing their clutch around the Sydney area.

    Recently had the Sportivo in at a local clutch specialist and I specifically requested a new clutch, it was slipping and just not feeling right at take off. The clutch guy suggested only replacing the master and slave cylinder, I thought he was the expert and went ahead with his suggestion. After having the Corolla in for service nearly 3 days he had the hide to charge me $400 with the clutch no better off than when I left it with him:-(

    I'm looking for a good mechanic (clutch specialist) around Sydney, North Shore preferably but not mandatory? Hopefully some who knows a bit of history with these Sportivo clutch issues would be advantageous.



  2. Sadly for me I can't keep the Sportivo as it's a money pit with alot of issues over the years (it was probably a Monday or Friday build). Thanks for the insite Chef, the 3 MPS is on my cards & the new model looks great and definitely bang for buck. The new Focus ST is something I'd consider just can't understand whats gone wrong with the interior??

  3. Just the other day I had to call the NRMA (not sure if I'm allowed to mention there name here?) to jump start the Sportivo as the battery died. NRMA patrol came around and attempted to breath life into the battery, but he inadvertently crossed polarities. Disaster I hear you all say... tell me about it. The end result, the main 100amp fuse blown, no ignition and a lifeless battery thanks to my roadside assistance. I'm sending my car back to my mechanic for assessment in the next day or two.

    My question is has anyone had this happen to them before? Should I be concerned (I'm thinking it's not terminal!)

    Also, what are my rights when it comes to this situation? Rest assured I'll be chasing NRMA for damages, what proof do I have that this was done by one of there own patrol and not by me.


  4. After last weeks service the mechanic did mention one wheel was slightly buckled and ended up adding some weights to balance it right. But he did say it was very small and nothing to worry about. I only wish I had a spare set of wheels to prove it either way.

    It's still shakky at low speed up to 60km/h on slightly uneven roads, and feels good turning which seems a little odd.

  5. Just had the car serviced last week by a "recommended" mechanic on the lower North Shore. Other than a full service I added new front disk rotors and pads, power steering flush and wheel balance as recommended by the mechanic. I've driven the car a bit over the last few days and the steerings still not right. This mechanic says he couldn't fault it even after taking the car for a road test after he finished the job.

    I pulled out my trusty pencil tyre gauge yesturday and to my surprise the left tyre was set at 38 psi and the right one was 40 psi! I don't know what's going on there, maybe his tyre inflator was faulty. But at least he realises that keeping it at 32psi is way to low, as I have experienced.

    I'm not giving up on the old girl just yet, and plan to track down a good mechanic that can sort out my steering issues once and for all before the year is out.

  6. My stivo has stock rims. I have no problems driving on freeways (over 100km/h) most likely because the road surface is quite good compared to the poor state of Sydney roads.

    I'll have to double check with my mechanic to see if he's checked all the steering components like the steering rack, etc as 123R-Prozak has kindly pointed out. Thanks

  7. It could be the rotors but my mechanic has had two or three cracks at it and still has him stumped! Braking is fine, though saying this I am due to have the the fronts pads and rotors redone. I had it aligned by Marks & Wallings, sure they're not Bilsteins but it made little difference.

  8. Hey guys, I'm been having problems with my cars steering for a while now. Normal driving on slightly uneven roads causes the steering to shake badly.

    My mechanic can't seem to find exactly where the problem lies. He reckons it's a buckled rim, so I got 4 new tyres recently and the guys there couldn't fault it. And sadly, still shakky even with new tyres and a balance. I've upped the tyre pressure to 37psi and it feels heaps better but not 100%.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  9. My girlfriend owns a 2005 Yaris. The car has intemittent problems with the standard radio. When she first switches on the radio it makes a clicking noise for about 5 secs then goes away. It doesn't make the clicking sound when playing CD's only when the radio is on. She taken it back for service but they never seem to find the problem. :angry: Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks...

  10. Last year I had a guy in Subaru Impreza RS throw what must have been a 20c piece at my car after we raced each other heading onto the South Western motorway around Kyeemagh (must have ****** him off). Needless to say it left a nice scratch on my passenger door. He did it just as I was turning off heading towards General Holmes Drive, so he's lucky I didn't get his plates. :angry:

  11. seems like us toyota boys are getting picked on

    sorry forgot user name but 1 guy had egg thrown at his car

    i had paint thrown at mine

    now you 

    hmmm i think i see a trend of jelousy happening here :D

    i say if you find them scare them so bad that they turn away everytime they see you

    or if there old enough an should know better kick them in the balls

    cars are an expensive hobby

    im sick of people ruining it for us so take away there ability to have kids

    sorry might be over done but im serious about my car and i like my car to look good

    so **** EM little bastards

    haha bet i sound like a phsyco lol

    i just had alot of experiences with vandalism between me nd my mates on our street all cus we have cars that stand out so im sick of it now

    I guess there will always be jealous people out there. This is about the fourth attack on my car. Personally, I couldn't care less who did this to my car, I'm used to it now. I'm just thankful that this time around it was only flour and not eggs or something worse.

    I've had my fare share of panel work on my Stivo over the last 2.5 years an not one has been been my doing. Sure it pisses you off but that gets you know where.

    Anyway, I think I might have to take the car down to car lovers and get the gurney onto the small crevasse.

  12. I got up this morning only to find my car covered in flour from front to back and on the sides. Probably done by kids from around the block. A really good job indeed...great! :angry: Unfortunately, it had rained a little over night so by early morning the flour had hardened. It took about 2 hours of hard yakka to clean most of it. From what I could see some of the flour clumps had gone down the small cavities located at the sides of the windscreen and wipers. Hopefully it won't block anything and dissolve over time. Does anyone know if I should investigate the little cavities as I've been told it could rust up if it's blocked ?

  13. there is always the option of a rader detector ;)

    so u can spot them multi-nova's & lasers from 500meters away  :P

    Even better still, a texas instruments Impact Diode (not called that anymore for obvious reasons) and some simple electronics. A 20mhz signal from police radar to your car and a return signal from the diode at over 200Mhz... say goodbye police radar...lol.

  14. I took delivery of my Stivo on the 24/6/03 and have only travelled a little under 15,000kms (works only 10mins away). I would've been the first to let the dealership know of the gear change/clutch issue. Not to mention some of the other issues....

    About 2 months later the local council truck scratched the drivers door. I'm sure mine's the first Stivo at the Beaters.

    Car not washed for 5 months straight last year... cause i was in Europe (really enjoyed driving on the high speed European Motorways)


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