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Supra doopra

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Everything posted by Supra doopra

  1. Yeah I tried creating an account on that supra forums site but it won't let me. At the end of creating an account it says to name the current Aus prime minister and I do but then it just says error
  2. Hi everyone, i am new here. About a month ago I brought my all time dream car. A toyota supra. It's a 1996 MRK 4 and impoted from Japan. If people wanna see it I can post it up but my first question is. does anyone know what this front bumper is called and where to find it? I've attached a picture but if doesn't show then I've probably done something wrong lol. And also what sites do people look at and use for supra parts? I've found a few but none of them are that good, they're not descriptive so I'm not sure if it's for my exact model. And there's never a search bar so I can't search for anything specific. Thanks
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