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Peter Clausen

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Everything posted by Peter Clausen

  1. Hi Gerard, I tried using pliers but must have been still doing something wrong. In the end, I rang Toyota and asked how much they would charge to fit them and the Service Manager just said bring them in and we'll just do it on the spot for nothing. Never look a gift horse in the mouth, eh? I watched the young guy doing it and he simply squeezed the rubber with his fingers a few inches short of the end and pulled the whole thing out in less than 2 seconds. Thanks for your input however and I did manage to slip the blade off the mounting alright and put it back on. Cheers, Peter
  2. Hi, I have a late model 2007 Kluger KX-S and am going crazy trying to replace my wiper blade inserts with genuine inserts from Toyota. I have replaced many wiper blade inserts in my earlier years and they were simple and easy to do. I don't know if it's an age thing with me or whether wiper blade inserts these days have suddenly become more complicated to remove and lock back in or what. In desperation, I have watched several different variety's of wiper blade replacement video's on the internet, most of which are the simple straightforward ones that I remember anyway, (you know the ones where you simply squeeze the locking stainless steel circlip wings together and pull the rubber insert out) then I found one on the late model Kluger. The demonstrator says to use a pair of pliers to squeeze the end of the rubbbers together to pull the old rubber insert out then goes on about the two steel inserts etc. This is my problem, I cannot get it out without breaking either the rubber insert or the blade housing itself. I see nothing that is obvious to squeeze together so what is the mystical secret? I was warned by the Spare Parts person who sold the inserts to me, not to destroy the blade housing as it is very common for amateurs to do this. I'm not an amateur but at 71 years of age, I now find myself a newbie. Can someone simplify the process of removing the old rubber insert please? Thanks, Peter
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