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Everything posted by MyGirlKitty

  1. Hello Everyone I am feeling very stupid & do not need a lecture as I have beat myself up plenty of times over the last 3 weeks. I have lost ALL my car keys to my 2006 Toyota Rav4. Like many people I struggle to survive financially as I live on my own with no one to share living costs. My inquiries so far have been a shock to the system as I was quoted $640 for ONE replacement key. Three weeks ago my keys were sitting where I usually leave them however for some mysterious reason they have vanished. I have exhausted myself looking for my car keys. I have endured many lectures about being more responsible & rah rah rah rah but that hasn't helped my keys to mysteriously re- appear. I would be extremely grateful for some advice or educated opinions that would help me return to some level of sanity. The fact that I live in a rural area 35 k's from the nearest town doesn't help matters. Also I live on acreage & if I accidentally dropped them somewhere between my house and stables when I fed my horse just before going to town that day, they could of been carried off by a bird who thought they would make a nice wind chime, Lol. I am trying to keep a sense of humour because stress makes my chronic illness harder to cope with. So, please be kind and I will be kind back to you & send you Blessings of good fortune. : ) MyGirlKitty
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