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Everything posted by Stevetri71

  1. TOYOTA HILUX CANOPY GLASS SHATTERING Hi just wondering if anyone has had any issues with the factory fitted Toyota canopy I have had on 2x occasions the glass shatter and paid for the repairs myself the first time, but the second time I bought the original Toyota glasss part and fitted myself and found that Toyota had changed the design so no longer do the struts mount onto the glass they mount onto body of the canopy and the metal bar/hinge lock assembly, the glass is obviously a week point and the pressure put on it by the hydraulic struts would be huge so they have rectified this but I am still out of pocket $1690 for two repairs and down time where car wasn’t on the road as I use it for work ????? I know nothing was obstructing struts or glass when the door was being closed it just shattered in my hand THANKS STEVE
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