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Everything posted by Lizzy

  1. Lizzy

    2017 hilux

    Hey all for the last year the dash lights in my 2017 hilux come on. I’ve let it slide with Toyota thinking I’m an idiot and not telling the truth until about 4 months ago. I was driving on the highway the safety alert light, ABS and stability control light come on the stability control light started flashing the Ute started sliding all over the road at 100ks (also note this was a 30 degree day so the road was dry )but it was locking up at the same time by some grace of god and I guess myself being able to stay calm and think logically in bad situations I was able to use the handbrake to slowly slow down if I slightly put my foot on the actual brake petal it would slam on hard i pulled over and a guy pulled over to check I was ok and he said from behind it looked like the car was hoping like bouncing all over the road. Hubby come and drove the car 10 mins up the road to Toyota. Toyota put it on the computer and NOTHING showed up the lights had also turned off. They have pretty much down played it and said “ if it happens again “ bring it in with the lights on. I’ve provided them photos of the lights on explained what happened and it’s pretty much no issue to them. We have not really had a good run it took me 6 months and myself getting quite ****** off at them for saying my Ute isn’t dropping loads of smoke and gassing the car out I managed to finally get that fixed thought. I need to know what causes this so I can tell them how to fix it because otherwise one of us is going to be in an accident. it also won’t allow me to upload the photo dang it cheers Lizzy
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