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Everything posted by BabyRolla90

  1. :) Thankx. but what i really want to do is get the entire unit out. so i can put in a new unit. the one i've got is stuffed. and at least a million years old.
  2. :D Hey Tell me what you pplz would think about a 1975 corolla wagon. she's got a sweet little kit on the front end, pimp'n fluffy seat covers, she's fridge white and carries a sub in da boot. she's old but i certainly think she's a classic.
  3. BabyRolla90


    Thanks for all the Hi Ho's! Im currently in the process of taking a few pics of my baby so i can show you guys and girls what i'm up against with her (the stubborn head unit/tapedeck). So i dont blame you for not wanting to tell me how to get the silly head unit out. We've, meaning me and a friend have already tried pulling the face off - thinking it could just be clipped in - but then we found that it must be bolted in from behind which means that i'll have to pull the whole dash apart to get at it. Which i'm not elaborately pleased about but hey - you cant win em' all.
  4. BabyRolla90


    :D Hey, I'm glad to see that someone else is online. Whats new? Been talking to any of the others lately? I'm kinda really new to this sort of thing so bare with me if i'm a little slow with replies and all. Would you have any idea how to get a standard tape deck out of the darn dash of my rolla. it's the original and it's being more than a little stubborn. i like to use some choice words to describe but i think you get my drift.
  5. BabyRolla90


    :P Hey All! Just thought i'd drop a line and see whats happening. To tell you a bit about me I recently got myself a 90mod CS Limited Rolla for a grad present. Sorry i dont have a pic yet.
  6. :( Okay pplz. i need sum real help. i've got a 90 mod rolla with a standard tape deck. but the thing is i want to get it out and i dont seem to be able to unless i pull the entire dash off and well, i was hoping that there could be an easier way. ive already pulled the face off and that really proved nothing. so a little help would be more than appreciated. thanx
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