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LiteAce Jim

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Everything posted by LiteAce Jim

  1. Evening all, So I'll try and keep this as short as possible whilst providing as much detail as possible haha. A few years back my partner purchased an 84 model LiteAce. Ran like a dream initially but then started missing a beat here and there. Had the carburettor 'rebuilt' and even had an electronic fuel pump fitted and this seemed to have fixed the issue. That was a year or so ago now and 90% of the time it runs quite well but that other 10% is bugging me. When driving, more so around town, sometimes highway driving, it will be cruising fine then all of a sudden it feels like for a split second some one has a strap on the back of the van and gives it a yank, giving a jerking feeling. Like it's not getting enough fuel? I'm somewhat mechanically minded and for such a small engine, surely it can't be something major? It starts and idles fine and hasn't stopped whilst driving like it use to. I'm still leaning towards the carb and something going on in there but a few people have also mentioned that perhaps it's gunk built up in the fuel tank? Unsure of where to go and what to start pulling apart at this stage so any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated!
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