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Everything posted by antman

  1. Early next year, I need to buy a new family car to accommodate a new family addition (another daughter). What I want is a mid-size AWD wagon. My wife will drive it most of the time during the week (I'll stick to the motor bike) and she's not comfortable with driving anything too big or high-up and neither of us agree with using high-rise 4WDs in town as they create a visibility hazard to other road users. So far we've pretty much settled on a Liberty wagon or Outback as they are about the only vehicles fitting the requirements. Last year, we hired a Kluger to go to the Victorian "snow" fields and I was really impressed with how it went and handled. With the 3rd seat row in the CVX and Grande, it is a real possibility as it gives us the option of occasionally hauling around some of the kids' friends or the relatives. We don't need the off-road ability. The problem is the height - my wife just won't drive one that is full height and my daughter suffered from quite a lot of car-sickness in the Kluger we hired. So, is there a relatively cost-effective kit to lower the Kluger by, say, 30mm? Maybe more? Edit: The King catalogue lists KTFL-111 and KTRL-112 for the Kluger and Lexus RX330 (to '06), which seem like they would do the job. Anyone know what they would cost ($ code in the catalogue is 'B') or whether there are better alternatives?
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