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Posts posted by xoxo_BLONDIE_xoxo

  1. 2 words: Pink Lofurs

    Haha...anyhow, deadline still stands. I don't care if you actually swim or not... just test the water temp or something, and survey the area for jumps, rocks, dangerous spots, and potential for sex offenders...

    Just go there sometime during the next week... essays here 13th.

    ok everything sounds fine but the last bit bout sex offenders???? explain ????

  2. The only snake I can charm is my own...

    ...oh wait, that means I just labeled myself as a w@nker.

    Don't naked people swim at Kambah Pool? **** that for a joke lol.


    lol omg! u said it about urself why ???? u should be blonde!!!

    naked poeple??? i have not seen any of those at kambah pool have u ???

    well ur comeing to pine island with me coz i am clueless to where the rocks are, do u know???

  3. When you get to pine island go to the right and follow it all the way to the bottom, then u gotta trek through the grass and over some rocky terrain and you should find some rock faces about 4 metres high across the river... Just be carefull of brown snakes :)

    Yet to check out Kambah pool, but its just around the corner from me mateys house, so it will happen soon.

    nice description if u see a missing persons add in the newspaper hopefully its not me yeah snakes kinda freak me out so are these snakes deadly ????

  4. Its up to you really...

    Leaving it till the night before its due makes it easier to do :P

    yeah sorta coz i still need to find them rocks and see if its so cool as you say it is!!!!!have u had a look at kambah pool yet???its part of the thing u actually need to check it out in order to write bout it !!!!

  5. I never said I was quitting :P

    Great to hear! coz this is fun and not hard at all!

    so u write about kambah pool and i write bout pine island!!!!! write anything you like but follow rules like the judge said .Also do u recon more time is needed for the due date even tho its just a page long?

  6. Please refer to post #664 :P

    dude just do your best and everything will be fine who says my spelling is good!!! it mite be the worst ever!!!

    Ok, I am the judge for this. Conditions are as follows:

    1. Length = 1 whole page. Must do whole page, no huge gaps between paragraphs or stopping short of the page end.

    2. Size 12 font, 1.5 spacing.

    2. Must be comparitive - ie, no "i went to pine island and it was gay" type essays. Must objectively compare the features of each.

    3. Due date = 13th of January, 5pm.

    Let the games begin!!!

    thanks for being the judge but he's already giving up !!!!!and remember no favouritism !!!!!!! all is good but due date i am concerned !!!!

  7. Yeh, I dunno about 1000 words tho, that sounds pretty hard when your vocabulary is limited to slang and swear words LOL

    yeah well how many words would be better suited to you then ??? i am sure you must a wordbook to help you!!!or we can extend the due date and keep the word limit ???

  8. LOL....

    Rightio, im up for the challenge :lol: you will probably win tho :P

    lets not get ahead of ourself!!! let the other canberrans on here b the judge and yeah can we make the due date for in a month with extensions provided??? coz i am so busy lately!!!!and also we mite need a person who can set up a few rules just incase some one decides not to participate anymore coz that would be unfair!!!!

  9. I tell ya what, you go to the rocks down at pine island, and I will go to Kambah pool then we will write up a 500 word reveiw here and give a rating out of 5 spuds :) :P

    well yes i would go to pine island but heck i dont smoke "pipe" if you know what i mean :spiteful: and theres all these youngens doing that there these days but im sure pine island is huge and i could stay well clear from them make it a 1000 word essay instead you up for that ????

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