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Posts posted by Kruzenvax

  1. Andy,

    You are probably right about the technicalities involved in this particular issue (or maybe it is not an issue - don't know); the problem is - and I think many Kluger owners will agree with me - when the car has too many of those "small/rectifiable" problems or issues that Toyota deems normal (and I can tell you it is a big grey line there between what is normal or not from Toyota and owner's point of view).

    Please have alook at the "recall" thread and others where issues are summarised. When each of them alone is probably minor (I admit the "core" of the car is reliable, I have not seen if falling apart... or well, there was a case in US but lets leave it for now... and I never had a problem that would have prevented me from reachnig my destination) when the car has a lot of them, it is very frustrating.

    Each one takes a trip (2 if parts have to be ordered, 3 or more if the problem is intemittent or complicated) to the dealer, each one makes you fell let down, and if there is many of issues you hust don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Yes, in isolation, oil line recall (call it customer safety precaution whatever, a patient does not feel better if he know the latin name of his decease) is allright, as well as, say, steering shaft knocks, but what if it the 10th or 11th visit to a dealer within a year? And that is what Toyota does - looks at each problem in isolation and claims "it is minor or ot is normal, we have the reputation of quality, blah, blah..." It is like I enter the gas station and ask them for just a drop of petrol... they will probably give it to me for free but I guess I can't ask them for enough of "free" drops to fill a 25 lt tank.

    Add to this all these sqeeks, rattles and noises and other issues, which Toyota deems "normal"... and you see people frown next time they hear about "reputation of quality". Or am I expected to be greatefull that the car does not fall apart? When people buy $50K car they expect bit more that relaible drivetrain.

    And BTW "if you are unhappy - sell it" approach (by Toyota) - or lets call it a lack of responsiveness and customer care - is probably what is behind the most of complains here (once again see the "Oil Line Recall" thread). Selling a car involves some big $$$ to be lost, if this is what replaced good old "if you ar happy - tell others, if not - tell us" - I can guarantee this will make a dent in car sales.



    yeah i do work at a dealer... but to set you straight i am not planted by toyota, i was a forum member, moderator long before i took the job, selling cars i am passionate about.

    i have many satisfied customers... in Klugers.

    if yours is an isolated case then of course toyota should fix the problem. If its deemed normal by Toyota, then i am not sure what else ot tell you. If you are still unhappy, then yes sell the car.

    ... Skipped ...

  2. Well, lets see...

    Drive Shart knocks

    Air Cond smell

    Fuel sulphur smell

    Oil line failure

    Transfer case oil problem (see toyotanation)

    Loose handbrake

    Dashboard rattles

    Various other rattles

    Exaust pipe problem (US)

    Sticky accelerator pedal (US)

    ... something I forgot?

    Really, "reputation for quality, durability and reliability being unsurpassed"

    The rectification that has been conducted has been thoroughly tested to Toyota's original equipment standards which have resulted in Toyota's reputation for quality, durability and reliability being unsurpassed.

  3. I guess the point is that newer Klugers (and other models) are getting metal pipe. Why whould Toyota go for extra expense to get metal pipe if "improved" rubber pipe is so OK?

    Out of interest, if anyone knows, is it uncommon for rubber pipes/connections to be used in this manner, on engines ?

    Do other car manufacturers use the same (or similar) rubber pipes for this type of application, or is this a rare occurence that Toyota has done here with the early model 2GR-FE engine ?

    An interesting topic indeed....

  4. This is the same text as in the previous post by Cookie :angry: So these guys in their wisdom even developed a standard template knowing that they will be (or are already) receiving a lot of complaints! How proactive...

  5. Got the letter and booked yesterday. Been told the part is on order. Called today after reading and asked for a metal pipe - was promissed to get the right one to be confirmed on Monday (wah parts are open again). Will follow up on Monday. Less then unimpressed.

  6. Thanks. I think so, maybe that was the case. May I please ask how/where did you get this switch installed?

    Were you moving when the folder list was greyed out ? I have a cruiser with the same sat nav and had to get an override switch installed so I could access the folder list whilst moving (and other things such as phone keypad).
  7. Hi all,

    I have vaistech (sp?) soundlinq iPod adapter on my Grande; it is working fine, however I never used "Folder List" button (top-right corner of the screen) as it is not supported by soundlinq. Yesterday I played an MP3 CD (for the 1st time) and noticed that "Folder List" i sdisabled (grayed out)... I am sure that I saw it working before, but now it is disabled. Is there a problem or how to unlock it for MP3 CD's at least?


  8. Got factory ones (matching the color) - front and rear. I have Grande but I don't think there is anything Grande-specific there; they were on Kluger options list for all models as far as I remember.

    Rear ones work perfect - I had rear sensors on my previous cars and do not see any difference with Klugers'

    Front ones - slightly over sensitive (can be adjusted by the dealer I guess but I liked them that way) and angle is a bit wide (because of the nudge bar perhaps) - but still usefull. Once in a while they start producing constant beep... for which I have an on/off button. Happy with them in general.

  9. Thanks Taka,

    BTW, in Australia police cars don't write down the rego numbers to issue a ticket later, they chase to give a ticket?

    I have also noticed that I subconsiously (sp?) learned "correct" needle positions for most used speeds (e.g. 110, 80, etc) so have no trouble with "true" 110 on a highway.

  10. Was driving late after dark couple of days ago... in an 80 zone, got 80 on a speedo but that was an end of a long downhill in the dark, cars all around me. And there was a pocket of darkness at the side of the road, spotted a police car with the radar there, straight after I passed it it took off and turned on lights, so I thought "there I have it", though I was doing 80. But the police car did not follow me, instead it and another car near me took the closest exit. So I thought "looks like I'm not having a ticket" and realised that a bit of a safety margin on a speedo is not such a bad thing!

  11. Yeah, thanks... my handbrake was OK, but after the last service (I have changed the dealer BTW) - they made it very noce and tight... than I have overheard something that made me wondering about that case where they just could not make it hold (as far as I remember the discussion here)...

  12. Hi all,

    Some time ago somebody on this forum was describing his troubles with handbrake (which did not hold) and inability of the dealer to fix it. May I please aqks if there is any update (can't find the topic for some strange reason)?

    My handbrake is OK, fingers crossed, but I'm asking this for a friend of mine.


  13. I did. Replaced by the dealer - no probs since.


    On slow speed left hand turns I can feel a 'clunk' through steering wheel. According to USA ToyotaNation forum this is a common problem (although they have a right turn problem). Something called an intermediate steering shaft.

    Anyone experienced this?

  14. Correction: Just tried this (pressing repeat button - the one one the screen): what I have now is "I agree" screen appears for about 1 sec, than it beeps and disappears all by itself. Is this your experience as well?

    Another correction: it did work till I switched the car off... next time I had "I agree" again. Curious if it is my soundlinq or all of them or am I doing this in a wrong way? I'm not to worried about it as I rarely use that satnav (inability to change destination whil the car is moving makes it next to useless to me)... but iterested in how to do it propely.



    download operation manual....page 9

  15. Thanks for that. As I have suspected after your previous post they have changed the sensitivity, not the delay...

    How long is the delay on "long"? I may ask them to change it to normal-normal or normal-long next time...


    Delay have settings normal and long


    I tried all settings and prefer factory settings.

    All other European and Jap brands work more or less the same.

  16. As usual - your 100% on the money here (BTW my dealer rep didn't have a clue about TPMS and only when I told them all the info, from somewehere inside their spare part dept came an answer "yes we do it").

    The same situation here - there seem to be 2 settings , delay and sensitivity; delay - according to the manual - is "normal" or "long". The dealer was talking about setting it to "dark 2"... which may be a sensitivity? No clue what have they done.

    It looks like approach "I want it to work properly" doesn't work unless they know exactly how does this thing work... which they don't, so I'm struggling to find a way to explain to them what has to be done :(

    In case you extend delay you will get rid of "bridge"issue , but in same time delay will be to long when entering tunnel or underground carpark.

    Changing sensitivity is much better way.

  17. Interesting... I have soundlinq as well and still see "I agree" message... Have you pressed anything to get rid of it?


    Recently i upgraded my i pod interface to SoundlinQ2.

    With full i pod integration with all functions displayed and operated on touch screen it also have one great one :

    :toast: "i agree" automatic bypass :toast:

    Love it :yahoo: :yahoo:

  18. When leaving my Kluger for service this week I have asked the dealer to do something about that time lag betwwen the meoment when the sensor detects the darkness and turns headlights on. Currently this delay is to short, so - even under the daylight - I'm driving inder the bridge at 110 it looks like I'm flashing to people. This has been discussed before.

    Dealr played with settings but they admitted they couldn't do much... well unfortunalely I didn't notice any improvement. Will ask the dealer to contact Toyota for clarification.

  19. I have seen Kluger TPMS today.

    Display gets mounted on mid console,between shifter and snow/hill descent button.

    Sensors/valves replace egzisting valves.......any tyre shop can do it and dont affect any tyre change/repair/service.

    Sensors batteries last longer then normal tyres do.

    Thanks CroToy

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