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Posts posted by saintz01

  1. i'm using Maxxis, recommended by the manager at one of the Bob Jane branch i got my rims from.

    i think i paid $160ish each, so far it's performed very well. in the dry, grip is better than the stock stivo rubber. in the wet...well in the rather limited sessions of rainy weather in perth thus far, it's pretty damn good as well, again performing better than the stock bridgestone.

    for $20-30 more per tyre, you can upgrade to the more aggressive/sporty tyre treads. was thinking about getting those, but if the ones i use are good enough for a modded commodore SS (the manager's ride), it's good enough for me...for now :D

    NVH, i noticed it's slightly quieter than the stockies.

    done about 8000km on it, the tyres are still in excellent condition. the side walls even after some spirited cornering to test the grip and are still in smick condition.

    so yeah, that's my 2cents feedback... :rolleyes:

  2. i've found a place with the following set of 17x7 with toyo or kuhmo tyres for $1000 with trade in of the stivo rims.

    quite tempted, but i'm trying to look for other places to compare prices and other set of rims as well (cos not sure if these rims will look alright on a white car)


  3. yeah...i was going to take out the pads and stuff...but aint got the slightest clue how to... ;) sorry guys...still new to the DIY stuff....learning learning... :rolleyes:

    high temp clear coat? hm...didn't think bout that idea...might do that next time i decide to redo the calipers or add a coat of red on it (...the hue i got is dark orange...red's outta stock :( ...but the end result seems ok)

  4. well here's what i did:

    1) make sure the brakes are cool

    2) jack up car and remove wheel (follow manual as per changing flat tyre)

    3) give the brake caliper a good scrub to remove dirt/grime/grease. i didn't get a degreaser (...to save cost...i'm broke at the moment...) but i highly recommend it to save yourself some troubles later when painting. rinse the caliper and allow to dry.

    4) prep the area around the caliper with tape and newspaper to prevent paint on any area other than the caliper.

    5) give the caliper an even first coat, then more coatings as you desire.

    6) allow to dry, peel off the tape and paper and there you go.

    7) repeat for other wheels.

    go to this site, it's got pics with step by step guide:


    i used VHT brake paint for mine. another thing is take your time, don't rush the job.

  5. should have attempted this some time ago...but finally it's done :rolleyes:

    took me half a day to do all four corner...even had to use a torch to see what i'm doing cos it got too dark outside... :(

    anyway here's a pic of it post-75-1120650217_thumb.jpg

    cheers northy and craig for the tips :D

  6. yesss...finally got it done...man it took a lot longer than the prescribed 15mins :blink: but at least it's done

    took it for a hard spin round the block, is it just me...or does the car seem to heat up slightly quicker? i travelled bout 3km or so (with 5mins idle) and i've hit optimum heat range already...but end result was it didn't overheat...no leak...so i must have done it right then... B)

    next item...time to paint the brake calipers (if weather's good tomo)

    cheers craig for ya help :rolleyes:

  7. ok, let me get this right...

    there's 2 coolant hose attached to the TB...the longer one at the front and the shorter behind.

    so, detach both coolant hose attached to the TB. tilt the hose up to try and prevent coolant from spilling out. detach the other end of the shorter hose, and then attach the open end of the long end into the plug and then clamp it tight.

    that's it right?? :blink:

    also, one question i came across...is it necessary to plug up the 2 now open coolant plugs on the TB? if so, what should i use?


  8. you're bad influence craig... ;) tsk tsk tsk

    btw, the rattling from the cai when i start the car is gone. letting the rubber washer 'rest' overnight after the work out allowed the rubber memory to reset back to stiffer status.

    anyway, i'm off to try the coolant bypass thingo...see how it goes <_<

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