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Posts posted by sr5_rolla

  1. Legend .... good idea .... I had thought o something similiar but haven't been online much.

    Guys ... Can I bum a lift if needed off someone plz? I'm hoping my car is fixed by then, but if not .... plus I have a cb handheld ... other one got lost ...

    As for the RedCross/China Earthquake appeal, I'm waiting for the letter of approval, although they have already given me three collection tins to get donations from people/the public... :huh: Will keep you all posted.

    Any queries or anything else, ask away... I just hope I haven't missed anything.

  2. Hey, just an update.

    It doesn't look like it'll be happening at the time I wanted at this point in time, I haven't had any replies from my friends, and being just us isn't enough. If you are still interersted, it will happen October 11 and 12 (through the school doing it, I'll be overseas, which is why I tried getting a group to do it earlier), in Lansdale, more info here . I'll be in KL still that weekend, so I'm unfortunately missing out. However, I will try to set one up again at a later date through them.

    Thanks for the support and interest guys. As stated, I will talk to them and set one up at a later date.

  3. Hey

    I recently went in to one of our RTA offices here in Perth, and I was talking to the guy for a little while. I asked him about mods, strut brace in particular. His reply was along the lines of 'as long as theres no structural change/weakening, or any interference to the safety/standards of the vehicle, we don't care/mind'.

    Saying that, it also comes down to the cop (if he/she wants to pull you over) or the person inspecting the vehicle, and if they want to give you a hard time.

    For WA people, here is the link for mods that don't require approval. I don't know how this would differ in other states. Failing that, look into the NCOP if your worried.

    Edit: there's a write-up on this forum (I think) on painting calipers, or alternatively, search the toymods forum, there's a good write up there. Sorry, but I can't find the links at the moment.

  4. Ok. I'll look into Redcross, Unicef, Worldvision etc (I'll try stick to the well known ones) (At a glance now, I think it will be RedCross).

    I'll prob head into their office and talk to someone, that way I can get any forms, info packs, receipt books etc there and then.

    Jeremy, Ken, I'll pm you guys with my details if you want to contact me directly. Prob get this done by Thursday (Friday at THE latest) as I have a few things to do today/tomorrow (Wed)

    As for now..... I'm off to bed, I'm starting to squint to read the screen.

  5. ok ..... who is organising this charity side of things? If you need help, let me know. I have some free time at the moment, so I can always call the charity/organsisation or even go talk to someone at their office. Anything to help.

    hmm... if its raining, anyone have a gazebo or something we can use? I can try hunt one down if needed, or try sort out something for shelter?

    Edit: typos and forgetting words ... >_< damn short term memory/attention span

  6. :yahoo: nice!

    I've held off painting any part of my dash as I had read/heard somewhere that there was a certain type of dye used for 'painting' car interior dash/panels. Hmmmm ... after seeing this ..... love the results.

    And thanks guys for the advice on the gear boot.... another thing I've been wondering about.

    Looks like I'll be making up a temp spraypainting booth.

  7. haha ... all this talk about food....

    There's a little Malay restaurant/take-away at Winthrop, they're pretty good, I have food there occasionally (mmmm sambal...I'm getting use to eating more and more of it). I'm sure you Murdoch Uni guys know about it.

    Apart from that one.... I'm sure you know about the others.

    Haha ... off topic/hi-jacked again...

    I may end up at the mega-meet with a bunky car, plans for my ride have grinded to a halt for now :angry: so I'm car-less at the moment.... or may need a bum a ride off someone if possible please...

  8. http://www.dpi.wa.gov.au/mediaFiles/lic_IB...ngiSig_2007.pdf

    Engineering info that you need. Contacts are on the last 2 pages, but note, you may need to call and ask if they'll do what you require.

    I think he may need to apply to the DPI for approval, as the engineer needs this paper work and "tracking number" on it.



    http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/roads/saf...es_3Feb2006.pdf (prob this one is the one you want)

    Hope this helps mate.

  9. Sounds good, its been out a while (I think, otherwise there's been something similar)

    If you read the brochure tho, you cant add/have any additives in your fuel tank if you want to use this ..... not that you would if it does what it claims...

    I wonder if they included turbo/supercharged cars in this...

  10. It's similiar to my headers/exhaust.

    Do you mean what it does? Its something to do with taking the pressure off the rest of the exhaust as the engine 'kicks' when you accelerate if its an east-west engine. The flex bends and stops the pressure being placed down the exhaust.

    More technical than that, I cant remember what the exhaust fitter said exactly, it was about awhile back.

    Edit... as for the welding... I'd expect better for that price.

  11. qkslvr, Brettu26, you two have got it spot on.

    My extra added twist is that the govt is happy to have its citizens against each other while they make extra money for ppl doing their work.

    My friend and I were discussing this the other day, and it will only lead to increased road rage and arguements when people see they are being filmed or have had their photo taken by some random person. Sad thing is, he's the sort of person that would do something, he's got a short fuse

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