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    Toyota Camry 96 SXV10

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  1. Hi im a newbie here. I just received an old PIONEER HEAD unit from my cousin I want to install it in my 96 Camry CSI the problem is, they cant find the wire harness which has a plug and has different colors that is supposed to be included in the head unit. I have also JL AUdio Seperates which my brother gave to me. 1. How could I install the PIONEER Head Unit and replace the FUJITSU 10 Cassete and Radio. 2. I find it difficult to remove the front cover which houses the front speakers. 3. Where can I find a replacement for the missing wire harness plug into the PIONEER Head unit. Could anyone help me, I want to learn how to install the speakers on my own. Thanks.
  2. Hi im a newbie here. I just received an old PIONEER HEAD unit from my cousin I want to install it in my 96 Camry CSI the problem is, they cant find the wire harness which has a plug and has different colors that is supposed to be included in the head unit. I have also JL AUdio Seperates which my brother gave to me. 1. How could I install the PIONEER Head Unit and replace the FUJITSU 10 Cassete and Radio. 2. I find it difficult to remove the front cover which houses the front speakers. 3. Where can I find a replacement for the missing wire harness plug into the PIONEER Head unit. Could anyone help me, I want to learn how to install the speakers on my own. Thanks. Vienta head unit are a piece of ***** i used to be an auto tech and i have done my own and they are easy. to answer the 1st q.. your immobiliser shouldnt be bothered by the new deck the security is just the head units security code. 2nd q.. soldering is always the best way it save **** coming undone and unexplained flicking on and off of the deck speakers ect... 3rd q.. all named brand head units are the same dimentions e.g. sony, pioneer, kenwood all that stuff and on the side of the decks there is useually either a T or an N (ie: toyota and nissan) for the bracets to screw into so ther should fit first time every time. Need anymore help i can get what colours the wires you need and all that for ya. Thanks for the info!! That would be great! Also, can you give me some more instructions about soldering the wiring? I have no idea how and never have soldered things before.. And one more thing, I have read that it is very important to disconnect the car battery before attempting to do anything, how do I disconnect it? Sorry for all the newb questions.. Cheers, sung Just drop the black terminal off the battery it wont zap or short or anything like that it may be a little time befor i get the colors of wires ect depending on where you were based i could do it for ya. but that just might not be possible. soldering just find ya wires that you need strip em and twitch together pretty easy when ya do it once you can do it forever just gotta make sure its a strong connection and should be gold!
  3. Thanks Terry. Yes the shifter plate of my 96 Camry SXV10 CSI doesnt light up when I have my headlights on at night. I think the bulbs are blown. Is it easy to replace those bulbs on my own? Where could I buy some replacements?
  4. when you say there is no indicator, do you mean the illumination of the letters on the shifter plate (next to the gear lever)? or on the dashboard itself (between the speedo and tacho)? if you mean on the shifter plate, if that is not lighting up when you have your headlights on at night, then its mostlikely the bulb in there has blown, so that needs to be changed. If your referring to the lights on the dashboard which indicate what gear you are in, it is dependent on the grade of your car, ie: the Executive and CSi models didnt come with that, but I believe the CSX and Ultima ones did. If they do exist on there, but simply aren't lighting up, then the bulbs that illuminate the dashboard and those shifter lights have blown mostlikely. with the brakes not sure what it could be, could be a number of things; need new brake pads, rotors warped, or it's just like that (some performance pads/rotors cause slight sound sometimes), or it could be all of the above :P
  5. I just bought an old 96 Toyota Camry SXV10? Its automatic I have two problems. There is no indicator on the dashboard besides the tachometer. 1. There is no light indicator besides the shifting gear below. 2. A little bit of squeeking sound when I hit the brakes. Is this normal? Most automatic cars I used has its own indicator light, its giving me a hard time to drive at night, putting it on reverse to drive. I would appreciate some help. Thanks
  6. I just bought an old 96 Toyota Camry SXV10? Its an automatic I have two problems. There is no indicator on the dashboard besides the tachometer. 1. There is no light indicator on the shifting gear below. 2. A little bit of squeeking sound when I hit the brakes. I would appreciate some help. Thanks
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