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Posts posted by Grey-Rolla

  1. Hmmm, some people says it might be the wheel bearing, but i highly doubt it, the whinning noise is very soft, you can barely here it during the day, but and night you can. It doesnt seem to go louder when i drive faster, it only whines on acceleration and cornering......

    Hmmmmm i will get it checked out soon :clap:

  2. Thanks, I'm from D'port Tasmania

    Hey!! Hot car! n Welcome! :clap: :D

    A mate n i are thinkin of takin our rides down to Tassie in late March to do a similar sorta weekend Targa TAS round tour. Would be great to catch-ya for some photos on our way through, maybe even grab some tips for our travels! :)

    Belly nice

  3. Hey guys, recently my car started making this soft whinning noise, on acceleration and when cornering....do any of you guys have this problem?? Anyone know what it could be? I recently got my car serviced, engine, oil sparks, streering fluid etc.......

    Im nearly hitting 60k

    Cheers ;)

  4. Betcha no one can beat me,

    Theres a carwash at canley vale on railways parade, $10 bucks for hand wash and chamoi dry and also a free coffee and 10 of petrol.

    MUAHAHHAHAHA betcha you guys cant find a better bargain then that hahaha :clap::toast:

  5. Good to see that you guys are keen, i will add you, to the list now cheers guys.... :D

    Guys that are from Sydney? Can all of you please give me the money on saturday at meet if your comming if not, you can do a transfer....to my account,

    Please PM for transfer details, i want to finalise this ASAP

    Cheers Voy :P

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