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About azndragon168

  • Birthday 05/06/1989

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  • Toyota Model
    Corolla Conquest Sedan 05

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  1. Lol if its about $300, im definitely in. I'm in brisbane btw :) Woops didnt see for melb peeps only. If you can get it for around $300, i'll pay for postage up to brissy
  2. lol yes they are all very tricky. Guess we just all have to be very careful and be good law abiding citizens
  3. Hi Everyone, The otherday I was on the western freeway and noticed there was blinking lights up front. So as you do, all the cars in front slowed down to 80 in the 100 zone. I drove past and saw the blinking lights were coming from an Aurion. (Aurion looked very nice :D ) Can anyone guess what lights were blinking? These were red and blue lights! It was an unmarked cop car! He had just pulled over a Falcon. (the cops was in plain clothes too) The Aurion was in red too...not grey or white. They are getting very tricky. I also had another encounter with another cop Aurion just days later. He was on handheld radar on Granard Road in Rocklea...! So be careful aye guyz (and gals). Oh...and these were proper Aurions, no missing hubcaps..they had the full toyota alloy wheels. You could not tell it was a cop. And the other night I saw a truckload of cop cars with one Subaru STI on the same truck. Not sure if the STI was gonna be delivered to the cops as well but it seemed very likely. Can anyone confirm that the cops are now driving STI's aswell? LOL! So when Toyota says the game has changed, they really do mean it...not in the best of ways tho <_< Feel free to comment guys. Steve~
  4. I've got a 1zz and i find that if u rev it high (say 5k) in 1st and then try to shift into 2nd, the gear stick is harder to pull out of first. then again, maybe im not clutching in fully? :P Do others find this aswell?
  5. I love the colour. did someone realise that its the same colour as the Aurion in the ads? maybe its Toyota's new 'black'? I agree with many of you's that the yaris looking front make it look like a lower grade car, but a more powerful 1.8L engine...that sounds good. Won't be more powerful than the 141kw 2ZZ-GE though...they discontinued that engine cos it didn't meant Euro Emission standards...damn them!!! lol well there's my rant. its good to hear so many different opinions about the same thing. Stevo (I noticed someone else signs steve here...so i'll use stevo)
  6. yup press button till window gets to bottom...keep holding for 2 seconds. pull button to push window up....kepp holding for 2 seconds once at top.. Problem SOLVERED!! Hey Everyone, I performed a ECU reset tonite and had the same problem with the electric windows. The button lights kept flashing. I tried pushing all the way down the holding all the way up. What I noticed was that you had to do that to all the passenger windows first on their actual buttons on their respective doors, then do the driver's window, otherwise the driver's window won't fix itself. Just putting what i've noticed out there. Cheers everyone
  7. Hi. The answer should be in your owners manual regarding bulb size. About the colour, im pretty sure the Transport authorities require that indicators are to be orange (amber to be exact). Hope this helps.
  8. Hi Everyone. Just wanted to ask a quick question. Can anyone please recommend a place where I can get the shift performance CAI. I've done a google search and ebay search and turned out nothing. Also I've searched these forums and haven't been able to find the answer. looking forward to hearing from you's. Steve
  9. haha thanks guys. There's too many careless drivers around aye.
  10. Hi Everyone, Reading this forum and hearing about all the bad drivers and idiotic people we encounter on the roads, I thought I'd share my near-miss experience with you's as well. I was driving last nite following a kia pregio in the right lane doing 60 in an 80 zone. So I overtook him on the left and and got back into the right lane. then the car in the left lane puts his indicator and and starts to turn into my lane nearly taking me out. luckily I turned into the shoulder and he realised I was there and he went back into his lane. But seriously, how stupid are people? An indicator only tells people of your intention to turn. You still have to check your mirrors for other drivers before you actually do turn. ****... lol I feel a lot better now that I've vented my anger here. ;) hehe. Well thanks for listening guys :)
  11. Hey everyone. Sometimes when I put the gear stick into reverse, the car shakes for a sec and theres a CRUNCH sound. the car still reverses like normal. Should I be concerned? Thanks Steve~
  12. Hi everyone, I'd just like to add my thoughts about Toyota if I may. I think it also depends on how well you know the staff that work at the dealership. We live up in Brisbane and my dad knows all the important players at a dealership. They won't try to scam him and usually warranty claims are honoured almost everytime. They even give him a 15% discount on services to our cars. But then again, we havent modded any of our cars since they're all under warranty. It'd be pretty bad risking the warranty to spend more money on the car. I'll thrash the corolla around every now and then and if anything breaks, I'll let you guys know how well they handle the warranty claim. :P hehe laterz guys Steve~ P.S yeah $1200 is a bit steep for extended warranty. Plus by the end of the warranty period, I'd like to mod the corolla ;-)
  13. Thanks for that Conquest. Very interesting stuff. :)
  14. Yeah I quite like the IS200's. They look pretty decent and the engine's got potential aye? but its pretty disappointing in its stock state tho. <_< but hey... u got the luxury name and badge of Lexus :P
  15. GO SPORTIVO! ^_^ lol even tho i don't have a sportivo, from what i hear from all the stivo owners in this forum, the stivo sounds like a pretty powerful car....i want one ><" Lets hope your stivo wins bro. Goodluck Steve~
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