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Posts posted by Razor

  1. Hi

    I just called up toyota and apparently a replacement key (the one with button on the side) is $200 plus programming and cutting

    I didnt think it was this expensive!!!

    Anyone got theirs replaced?

    Can I use the ones available in Ebay 2 button lock unlock blank key

    EBAY Key

    or a remote

    EBAY remote

  2. Hi

    just got the camry and noticed that the personal lights don't work.

    I checked the bulbs and they look like that the filament is still intact.

    tried measuring voltage and its zero.

    dome light works... do they share the same fuse?

    Thanks in advance

  3. Hi

    Just got my '93 Camry and noticed that there's a cd stacker in the boot Fujitsu ten brand which is stock.

    There's only an eject button but the magazine doesnt come out, how do I get the magazine out or operate the cd stacker?

    Sorry for the newbie question

    Thanks in advance

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