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Everything posted by Havago

  1. Mine is a 96 2.8d dual cab SR5 and is LN106
  2. Would anyone know where i might be able to get a repair manual on line for the 1989 camry? I want to start doing some work to it but wouldn't mind some sort of guide. The wheel bearings need to be done
  3. Thanks for the welcome. :) I went with the camry cause it was the right price. FREE As i said it needs lots of but drives nice. It's a fuel injected 2ltr. I'm not sure how much i'll spend as it is going to be a every now and then car, but i would like to get it looking nice. I ride my bike most of the time so will have plenty of time to work on the camry. Anyway here's some pic's
  4. Hey guys/girls i'm a 32y/o male and i'm from Perth. I have just bought an 1989 camry that needs some . I plan on spend a bit on it and get it looking like new. Been riding bikes most of my life so never had the need for a car but it's getting too cold for the bike during winter. Anyway i'm a bit of a noob when it comes to cars, so i thought i would join and hopefully learn a bit about them. Any help will be great
  5. Hey guys/girls i'm a 32y/o male and i'm from Perth. :) I have just bought an 1989 camry that needs some . I plan on spend a bit on it and get it looking like new. Been riding bikes most of my life so never had the need for a car but it's getting too cold for the bike during winter. ;) Anyway i'm a bit of a noob when it comes to cars, so i thought i would join and hopefully learn a bit about them. Any help will be great
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