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Posts posted by kelvin33

  1. sorry for the delay mario.... my laptop is stuffed back home... gonna fix it tonite :) thats y the slow response!!

    $9 is a lot mario..... it can't even get me a real decent meal hahahah!!!

    i will let you know once i have deposited the $$ cheers!!

  2. Hmm!! I have always been with Toyota since my old man loves Toyota but was kinda of disappointed this time around with the Stivo... but then again its not straight out from Japan...

    I might give it another shot in the future but issue is: Is there a car from toyota worth buying other than the Rollas :)

    my straight out 2 cents :)

  3. seriously saying... we can't go without petrol unless we give up driving entirely!!

    For those who thinks that petrol will go back in the range of 80cents to $1..... sad to say that is wishful thinking!!

    Why do you think the Howard government is still in control year after year?? not because people love their movement nor policies but who is better than him right now...that is proven?? or just purely empty vessels.... we would rather be able to anticipate what the government will do next then having to guess what the newly elected would....

    This is their market and we are under it!!! So i suggest we take a deep breathe and smile :)

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