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Posts posted by kelvin33

  1. Sorry to hear that!!!

    Are you hit on the rear??? If so.... $1.6k is not unreasonable for an Audi but you might as well use the excess on yr insurance. Premiums will definitely go up after this incident, just change another insurance company.

    As long as you are alright, nothing else matters ;)

    Take care dude!!

  2. :P hehhee!!! thanks pippy...

    i learnt something new again......

    i just wanna keep learning more about the corolla and make more friends thats all.... so if i did ****** anyone with my post.....

    i sincerely apologised and bow out with dignity :P

  3. Sorry!!! but i entirely agree with "eddy_torrezz"

    lately they have been cases of too many cases like these happening.... i may not post much but it doesn't mean that i am not looking at the forum.

    there are tons of newbies like me who doesn't know the feature of a search button...call us dumb or whatever it is but there are some terms that a lot of pple might not know.

    Example.... if someone is new to cars, do you think Power FC means anthing to them?? What does extractors, headers, ecu and etc....does to yr car??

    I do not want to start a war here but give people a chance... no one is born a genius :)

    Kelvin you are in the sunny state of QLD.....which from last time I looked HAS THE MOST modified caorollas AROUND!!!!! IF one of us from thursday nights cant help you ......then gees i suppose you better talk to neil bates or toby @ meridian ;)

    I agree with eddy_torrezz with his quote on

    "i dont mind you guys having a dip but dont blow **** out of preportion. ya have a go for someone asking a question about somthing youve covered 100000 times then anyone who tries to give them some input ya shoot down in flames.

    this site is supose to be helpful for people who have and want to know about toyotas. but lately it seems like its just to take ***** at people for asking genuine questions."

    Hmm!!! seems like i am getting a buzz from you Craig.... I may not know so much as you guys with the 2zz but what i meant is do we need to fry someone when people start asking a question.

    Before you start, look at how many post steinny72 have post------11..... unless he has got hundreds under his or her belt. I know it is essential to keep the forum neat and tidy.... but what if he doesn't know how to search.....do you mean please do not post on the forum??? We have moderators for a reason... yup!! i know you guys are not paid to upkeep the forum but you are chosen for the fact that you are active, knowledgeable, helpful, etc.

    :D :D :D please do not fry me again :D :D :D

  4. Sorry!!! but i entirely agree with "eddy_torrezz"

    lately they have been cases of too many cases like these happening.... i may not post much but it doesn't mean that i am not looking at the forum.

    there are tons of newbies like me who doesn't know the feature of a search button...call us dumb or whatever it is but there are some terms that a lot of pple might not know.

    Example.... if someone is new to cars, do you think Power FC means anthing to them?? What does extractors, headers, ecu and etc....does to yr car??

    I do not want to start a war here but give people a chance... no one is born a genius :)

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