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Posts posted by BlackAdder

  1. Could reporting a slower speed have something to do with better fuel useage? Even on the test track.

    Just an idea.

    G'Day there slow_sam,

    No actually, reporting a slower speed would decrease your economy as you would not have travelled as far on the same amount of fuel, however, my Grande is doing the opposite, reporting a higher speed, and as a consequence, reporting a better economy than I'm achieving.

    It's been covered somewhere else on this site that the ADR requirements are for manufacturers to calibrate their equipment at 0 to 4 kmph OVER actual speed, with a +10% tollerance on top of that, therefore if you were actually doing 100kmph, a speedo reading of between 100 to 114 is acceptable! I don't agree with it in any way shape or form, it sort of leads you to the impression of there being a big loop-hole if you were pulled up for speeding ... aka "But officer, the ADR says da da da and I was doing 114 on my speedo in the 100 zone, therefore I am within the stated tollerance!" I don't think it would work but it puts a big onus back onto the drivers.

    AFAIK set the speedo to an accurate reading, give tyre suppliers access to a calibration module and have the speedo calibrated when you fit new tyres. That way, the speedo is correct and the onus is on the driver to drive within the laws of the road. Also, wear on the tyres will cause them to have a smaller circumference which will lead to the speedo showing an ever increasing (e.g. over actual) reading as the tyres wear.

    Anyway, I have had my rant. Enjoy your driving and don't get too hung up on the finer details.


  2. After all the above verbral diarrhoea on my part, I think I have to recommend you sticking with the computer and save your time doing the calculation. And hence, asking how many kilometers per tank is out of fashion statement.

    Hopefully I did not offend and have faith in the system provided. I hope all cars should have one of our computer.

    G'Day there Taka,

    No offense taken, good mutual communication should never cause offense!

    Interestingly, I also have a 2007 Holden Astra CDTi (Turbo Diesel) 6 speed manual ... the handbrake says it's my mid-life crisis and I have to agree, it goes like a cut snake and does Southern Sydney to northern Brisbane on 52 litres ;-) it has a computer in it also, beyond the increase in range from time to time when you get onto the freeway, I have found it to be extremely accurate, for economy / range / remaining fuel etc, it has never been out by more than 0.05 l/100km on economy and no more than 2 litres out on usage. As it is the only computer I can compare against, you can see my disdain for the Kluger version.

    All that being said, I still think the Kluger is one hell of a beastie, the handbrake loves it and to coin an old saying ... Happy Wife = Happy Life! So, I'll just have to get my head around the missing 100km or so in the tank. Interesting point on the tyre pressure, will check that tomorrow.

    P.S. Does anyone know of a supplier/manufacturer of a longer range/auxiliary tank ? I'd just like to increase by 13 - 18 litres to give me 85 / 90 litres.


  3. G'Day all,

    I just bought a new 2008 AWD Grande and have been experiencing the same sort of thing:

    The Speedo and Odometer are a bit out, but in opposite directions ...

    Speedo is a constant 5 kmph over that recorded on a hand held GPS (Garmin Nuvi 660),


    The Odometer is out the other direction, Car/GPS ... 15/15.33, 30/30.63, 45/45.92 which does not make sense to me.

    Has anyone else experienced this Odometer difference?


  4. G'Day all,

    I just found this site and it looks to have some good feedback.

    For the record, I own a 2008 AWD Grande. Had it for 3 weeks now and already have 3600 km on the clock, thanks to a return trip Sydney - Brisbane.

    Like all others here, I'm a little dissapointed at the computer in general. The Cruising Range is understated by about 100km hence I am only adding about 60 litres when there is 40 km Cruising Range on the computer and also the "estimated" Economy, it reads about 0.5 l/100km under the actual, in the most recent fill for example, it read 10.3, but doing the manual calc (l / km * 100) produced 10.83 (which by the way is the best econ I have been able to achieve).

    The "handbrake" gets high 14's/low 15's doing the school/cappuccino scene (every day use, her and 3 kids 6yo - 14yo) where I am getting low 11's on the highway (all 5 in the car with a Pacific 200 pod fully loaded on the roof).

    Other than that, absolutely love the car.

    Although not quite on subject, I also note the Speedo and Odometer are a bit out, but in opposite directions ... Speedo is a constant 5 kmph over that recorded on a hand held GPS (Garmin Nuvi 660) but the Odometer is out the other direction, Car/GPS ... 15 / 15.33, 30 / 30.63, 45 / 45.92 which does not make sense to me.


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