STOP thieves in there tracks !!!!!
I have a 200 series Land Cruiser with keyless entry.
There is a simple way to STOP thieves in there tracks.
Simply take the little key that is fitted into to key-fog and get 2 normal size keys cut, then take the battery out of the key-fog, now the key-fog doesn’t transmit and signal.
To start your car put your foot on the brake pedal as normal hold the key-fog next to the start button listen and you should hear a beep, press the start button and the vehicle will start as normal.
The downside is that you have to lock and un lock the vehicle manually like in the old days. Very little inconvenience against having your car stolen.
The fog now does not transmit any signal for the thieves to scan, perfectly safe and cheap, 2 keys around $90, that’s it. No labour costs either.
Note: there will be a warning light on the dash to advise you that the key fog is not present, simply ignore the warning light as it normally appears when your key-fog is removed from the vehicle (motor running). It’s only a warning light and has no other purpose. This system has now been working faultlessly for over 6 months.