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Kluger 2009 Door edge guard protection


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Hi Everyone,

First time on this forum, hoping someone can answer my questions.

I have a 2009 Grande model which we love. However being a large car and having 3 kids and a narrow carport with rendered walls! the door edges get a hammering!

I have been using a silver rubbery plastic roll out material you simply cut to length which has worked well and saved the edges, however what seemed like a good idea at the time has become a bit of a mess as the strip is in-pregnated with glue to hold them on but this has melted and run out with heat i guess over time and made a mess on the duco and my alloy side steps! Have managed to remove quite effectively with orange citrus cleaner but now looking for another solution to protect doors that still looks neat. I don't really like the look of these type http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/191006856727?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

I'm interested in other peoples thoughts / experiences / recommendations for door edge guard protection.

Not sure if available in Aus but have noticed online you can source from US toyota dealers to suit highlander genuine toyota door edge guard protectors (see the following link) http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/281409559709?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

however they are to suit the updated 2011 to 2013 models.

My question is Would the doors on a 2009 kluger be the same as the updated facelift model? (2011 to 2013)

I contacted the dealer from US in the above link to ask him and he couldn't be 100% confident they will fit Aussie models, so hence me coming on here to see if others would know or know of a better solution to this problem. Others must have come up against this before, and i gather most people on here are on here because they care about their toyotas like I do! I prefer using genuine parts where I can too obviously to keep it looking good and original and for warranty etc.

Look forward to any feedback, cheers.

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