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Toyota and my complaints

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I received a call from Tory Toyota today, the dealership i have been bringing my Stivo to for service. They asked me if i would like to meet the service manager and the regional Manager next Friday morning regarding my concerns on the Stivo. They said they have received the email i sent to the customer service centre manager and it would be a rare opportunity for me to meet the regional manager. I have only visited the dealership yesterday to book the Stivo in AGAIN for a drive test to diagnose the shifting problem, and frankly am not impressed with the people's facial expressions. Let's just say it was "un-welcoming" and had "Not this guy again!" written over their faces.

If any of you are having difficulty directing your concerns to the Toyota service personnel, i recommend you send an email to the customer service relations manager and the email will float to the service manager of your dealership. I am not a very articulate person and i don't like face to face confrontation unless absolutely neccessary hence i prefer to write and direct my concerns through emails. Frankly i don't give a damn about meeting the managers, what good does that do? I just want my problems addressed to promptly by Toyota, no more delaying especially with the gearbox and brakes.

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Toyota rang me again saying its a drive test of my stivo by a regional representative. He will try to adress all of the concerns i raised. Hope i can make that appointment though, might be working that morning <_<

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