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Status Updates posted by Steve

  1. Welcome to the Toyota forums spudlucas :)

  2. Welcome to the Toyota forums vi3ti3oi972 :)

  3. Welcome to the Toyota forums rebelx :)

  4. Welcome to the Toyota forums Chris Farrugia :)

  5. Welcome to the Toyota forums JustMac :)

    1. JustMac


      Thanks Steve! I pick up my new Kluger tomorrow afternoon! Very excited!

  6. Welcome to the Toyota forums ceablevag :)

  7. Steve

    Welcome to the Toyota forums HJW :)

  8. Steve

    Welcome to the Toyota forums dgb :)

  9. Welcome to the Toyota forums franko :)

  10. Welcome to the Toyota forums salimuzzaman :)

  11. Welcome to the Toyota forums Rock n coROLLa :)

  12. Welcome to the Toyota forums SacCamry :)

  13. Welcome to the Toyota forums whishy :)

  14. Welcome to the Toyota forums JUSTIN1 :)

  15. Welcome to the Toyota forums julesw :)

  16. Welcome to the Toyota forums Wheetlychalay :)

  17. Welcome to the Toyota forums ROBKE_ :)

  18. Welcome to the Toyota forums richtn1 :)

    1. richtn1


      Thanks Steve. I am from the Us.. Not sure I am in the correct group.

  19. Welcome to the Toyota forums Toorelese :)

  20. Welcome to the Toyota forums wakamanu :)

  21. Steve

    Welcome to the Toyota forums Gid :)

  22. Welcome to the Toyota forums asdfghjkl :)

  23. Welcome to the Toyota forums streety72 :)

  24. Welcome to the Toyota forums 2 EASY :)

  25. Welcome to the Toyota forums Flashyone :)

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