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Posts posted by BONDEE

  1. by the way, why would you want to turn off seat belt warning?

    if there was a way to perminately turn this off it'd be in! only because i live in the country and have an 800m drive way, its INFURIATING seat belt on and off to undo a gate!!!!

    You said you work at a Toyota dealership right? Do you have a service department there? If so, have a chat to them to see if they can plug their intelligent tester into your Aurion. Then you can permanently disable it. On a side note, I'll play around with mine when I get home to see if I can come up with the DIY solution.

    AH YES but that would involve using my brain wouldnt it! lol!!! :)

  2. OH SO SAD that i couldnt make it...

    i had a killa flu all week then my son got it so the last week has been hell!!!!

    :( :( :( we gotta do a cruise soon!!!!!! :(:(

    BONDEE xox

    hahahhha! yeah mate... we have many new faces yesterday... but we were also expecting you to come..... :D

    i was expecting to come too! even washed the car whilst feeling like death warmed up on saturday but when i spent the whole night with a trying son who wouldnt leave mummys side it was imposiable :( :(

  3. AGE: 28

    SEX: Womanly

    STATUS: Newly Wed

    REASON FOR BUYING:Hubby and I owned (technically still do) 3 Cars, A Nissan Partol which is his Play car, A Landcruiser which is my car & a Commodore which is Hubby's Daily. We recently sarted a transaction with my brother to take the unused Landcruiser off our hads ad disel was too expensive for us to use it as a Daily. Then after a few issues and some unneeded petrol guzzling from the Commodore Hubbydecided he wanted to upgrade to somethign newer & more reliable. We had looked earlier in the year and were trying to decide on a car but never could, he had his heart set on the lancer.. I wasn't too thrilled with it.

    so this time around we entertained a car upto 3 years old. Hubby found some Aurions in our price range and we went to ook.. after drooling over them for the last 2 years, we fell inlove. Almost brought a Cyber green one but due to dodgey dealerships we got an 07 Burgundy one. Pick it up Saturday.

    woohoo! another female aurion owner! :)

    I only own half of it... Wulfkind owns the other half..

    ahhhhh... well close!!! :)

  4. ok i just found this thread so here it is...


    im bondee, a 20yr old chick from WA.

    i have just bought a 06 aurion as my family car (i have a 2.5yr old son) to add to my family of cars, a nissan 200sx s14, and a nissan r32GTR (project)!

    plans for the aurion, simple mods ie, wheels, exhaust, low springs, neat family spec baisically!

    so that me, crazy, fun and in love with my aurion! :)



  5. AGE: 28

    SEX: Womanly

    STATUS: Newly Wed

    REASON FOR BUYING:Hubby and I owned (technically still do) 3 Cars, A Nissan Partol which is his Play car, A Landcruiser which is my car & a Commodore which is Hubby's Daily. We recently sarted a transaction with my brother to take the unused Landcruiser off our hads ad disel was too expensive for us to use it as a Daily. Then after a few issues and some unneeded petrol guzzling from the Commodore Hubbydecided he wanted to upgrade to somethign newer & more reliable. We had looked earlier in the year and were trying to decide on a car but never could, he had his heart set on the lancer.. I wasn't too thrilled with it.

    so this time around we entertained a car upto 3 years old. Hubby found some Aurions in our price range and we went to ook.. after drooling over them for the last 2 years, we fell inlove. Almost brought a Cyber green one but due to dodgey dealerships we got an 07 Burgundy one. Pick it up Saturday.

    woohoo! another female aurion owner! :)

  6. from experience (every weekend cruising) ANYTHING at city west is asking for the cops attention! maybe something more "unknown" by them is wise...

    bunnings maddington (albany highway) is a good one due to big car park, not very lit so it doesnt attract too much attn... and pretty central really :)

  7. AGE: 20




    well i bought my Aurion TONIGHT!! (yes im still at work and havent even gotten to drive it yet) i work @ a Toyota dealership in Perth so when my 06 Corolla was driving me crazy cos it's too small and too slow (only had it 3months) the Aurion was an AWESOME step up! this car is my "family car/daily driver" everything fits in it perfeclt (with a 2.5yr old son comes alot of crap lol) and i enjoy driving it. its VERY differnt from my "baby girl" (my nissan 200sx S14) who i drive on the weekends but this Aurion is a very very sexy daily! VERY HAPPY! :)

    Congrats on the buy. What model and colour did you get? You must've got a bargain since you work at a Toyota dealership :D

    Enjoy it, it's a really nice car!

    its an 06, AT-X in caribian blue and i got it for ....

    20k! in Perth thats Cheep Cheep... :) yeah gotta love the perks of working here :)

    **** ooo its 9pm! time to knock off and take him home :) yayayayayay! ****

  8. i have three currently

    LEFT SHOULDER BLADE- butterfly with my sons name underneath (designed by me, so no one else has it)

    BACK OF NECK- "loyalty" (word, black)

    TOP OF FOOT- "200SX S14" (words, black... my "baby girl"- car)

    and i have prob another 3/4 planned so yeah... :)

  9. AGE: 20




    well i bought my Aurion TONIGHT!! (yes im still at work and havent even gotten to drive it yet) i work @ a Toyota dealership in Perth so when my 06 Corolla was driving me crazy cos it's too small and too slow (only had it 3months) the Aurion was an AWESOME step up! this car is my "family car/daily driver" everything fits in it perfeclt (with a 2.5yr old son comes alot of crap lol) and i enjoy driving it. its VERY differnt from my "baby girl" (my nissan 200sx S14) who i drive on the weekends but this Aurion is a very very sexy daily! VERY HAPPY! :)

    You are probably the first female Aurion owner on this forum that I have heard from (edit: well I have heard from jess_w, but her's was a rental right). Hehehe, on the main page, I took a quick glance and thought BONDIE made another post. It's glad to hear you like your new purchase.

    hehehe yeah i noticed BONDIE! i see its a guy though :) i actually have the plates [bONDEE] on my S14. and the plan is [bONDEEBUS] for the Aurion :) :) luuuvvv it!

  10. hey guys i just bought my aurion and would definatley be up for bringing it out to meet a few of yas... (will be odd cruising in somethign other than my s14 but interesting)

    ive planned many a cruise so if you'd like a hang putting the world out/map etc just throw me a PM! :)

    BONDEE xo

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