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Posts posted by Slurdog

  1. I am thinking of selling my Sportivo and then buy an AU III XR8. Reason for this is is i have stopped drinking and smoking recently and suddenly have an excess of cash every week, so i figure that i can afford to pay running cost of a V8.

    looking to spend up to $20K, is the XR a good choice? or would you suggest another car?

  2. Im not too fussed about the current priced of petrol.

    Reason is i recently gave up smoking and have just given up drinking, this works out to be approx $6500 per year that i'll save. Now im going to sell my Sportivo and am going to treat myself to a nice big dirty pushrod V8 and work the tits off it. I figure if prices are getting bad now imagine what it'll be like in 10 years, better get my V8 before its too late.

    A few bucks each fill up doesnt impact as much as $10 per pack of ciggies or $5 per pint.

  3. Hey people's,

    My mate has a Sportivo as a work car which is supposed to be fully maintained by the business. He has just burnt out his clutch, and is having a battle with the boss about who is responsible for the replacement cost. the boss says he's thrashed it and should pay for negligence, while my mate says its wear and tear.

    The car has done 83000k's, is this a reasonable amount of k's for the life of a standard clutch? or is it a bit lower then normal (aka thrashed)?

    Cheers all.

  4. is there a way you can tell if the mr2 is non turbo or turbo besides looking at the engine

    The turbo model has two rows of raised vents on the engine cover, the non-turbo has flat vents.

  5. I've got a block of VB and a couch with my name on it for this weekend :D

    I hope its a decent contest, its good to woop A#se, but 2 all going into the final is better.

    That said, I think we'll whomp them in three test's each done in three days a pop :spiteful:

  6. Hey mate,

    I have lived in both cities;

    Perth- stay south of the river its much nicer, good fishing and nice beaches (without heavy surf, so you pommies wont drown :P ). Australia day in Perth goes off like no other city (by 10 fold). Excellent wine. its pretty dry tho. South West WA is awesome. you will adapt to the climate well. spewing its so isolated.

    Brissy- the place to go if you want action. everything you will ever want is within reach, the whole east coast is just a $60-$100 plane ticket, not to mention the pacific. The gold coast is pretty unreal. MY *** IT GETS HOT!!.

    I reckon if you want to settle and bring up kids Perth may be your starter (you can always move across later)

    If you want to have a bit more fun and travel around a bit, then Brissy's the go. its bloody hot!

    edit: why cant I write *** will it let me write ALLAH I wonder?

    2nd edit: Thats dodgy, who puts these censors in?

  7. Very nice!. Seen the base spec in a showroom and was impressed by the styling, but not the output, but this is KICK ACE!

    i think we getting type R hatch here in Aus ... i seen another website with real pics and interior looks HOT

    Yeah the base one is so futuristic and has lit footwells and the most spun out dash ive ever seen, so the racer would for sure be better again.

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