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Everything posted by layzieguy

  1. Thanks for the reply Rhys. Don't feel as worried now.. ahahhahaha Cheers again! Mike
  2. Thanks for your reply Rhys! It's pretty much the same issue. It's when I shift it from gear 3 to gear 2 its like its in half way (but in gear) and it's in actually gear 2. The shift to gear 2 doesn't feel complete or engaged if you know. I might drive it for a few more days/weeks see how it goes. If it hasn't resolve, I'll probably mention it on the 1month service. Can you actually hear the gears being shifted clearly while driving or is it silent? Thanks
  3. Hi rolla91, I know its been a while but I was wondering what did the mechanic say or any updates on the situation? I have the same issue as well. Brand new out of the dealers. Thanks
  4. Hi All, The fuel consumption light just started to come on this afternoon. Even though I have filled it up til full, the light is on and the pin is not working. Any idea what it could be and if I can DIY fix? Thanks
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